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Slim Framework always return 404 Error

These days i'm using Slim Framework as my simplest tool to develop the php web api. Using these two articles:

  • Coenraets
  • CodingThis

I follow some of the steps from there. Downloading the Slim Framework, putting the correct directory & files. Adjusting the initation statements such as;

//1. Require Slim require('Slim/Slim.php');  //2. Instantiate Slim $app = new Slim();  //3. Define routes $app->get('/books', function ($id) {     //Show book with id = $id }); 

And then, I modify the rest accordingly.

Such as my checklist that already done:

  • LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so -> enabled
  • Slim .htaccess:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ bootstrap.php [QSA,L]

  • httpd.conf: (Shared Link).

But, after Once I run this statement;


And I run it on my browser.... then, I got 404 Error while testing it on my Localhost. What's the solution for fixing that?

FYI, here is my simplest PHP file that i'm currently using it. (shared Link)

like image 488
gumuruh Avatar asked Mar 17 '12 05:03


1 Answers

Problem is solved!

My apache is actually normal, and the .htaccess file provided earlier also normal.

The clue is the URL that I used. Previously I used the invalid URL, thus it returned the 404 page error. I just realized it when I Tried to access the newer GET URL via browser with this one;


and now that works!

I just realized it once I found these statements;

If Slim does not find routes with URIs that match the HTTP request URI, Slim will automatically return a 404 Not Found response.

If Slim finds routes with URIs that match the HTTP request URI but not the HTTP request method, Slim will automatically return a 405 Method Not Allowed response with an Allow: header whose value lists HTTP methods that are acceptable for the requested resource.

like image 82
gumuruh Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
