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How to get the size of the content of a variable in PHP



If I have the following variable in PHP:

$Message='Hello, this is just test message'; 

How can I get the size of its content in bytes? For instance, to print something like:

<p>Message size is 20KB</p> 
like image 913
Alaa Gamal Avatar asked Jul 06 '12 16:07

Alaa Gamal

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1 Answers

strlen returns the number of bytes in the string, not the character length. View the PHP Manual here.

Look closely at:


strlen() returns the number of bytes rather than the number of characters in a string.

If you take the result and multiple by 8, you can get bits.

Here is a function which can easily do the math for you.

function strbits($string){     return (strlen($string)*8); } 

Note, if you use, memory_get_usage(), you will have the wrong value returned. Memory get usage is the amount of memory allocated by the PHP script. This means, within its parser, it is allocating memory for the string and the value of the string. As a result, the value of this before and after setting a var, would be higher than expected.

Example, the string: Hello, this is just test message, produces the following values:

Memory (non-real): 344 bytes Strlen: 32 Bytes Strlen * 8bits: 256 bits 

Here is the code:

<?php $mem1 = memory_get_usage(); $a = 'Hello, this is just test message';  echo "Memory (non-real): ". (memory_get_usage() - $mem1)."\n"; echo "Strlen: ". strlen($a)."\n"; echo "Strlen * 8bits: ". (strlen($a) * 8)."\n"; 
like image 65
Mike Mackintosh Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Mike Mackintosh