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slim dynamic conditional class [closed]

Just to help other developers, because there is no similar question on SO.

div class=(is_active? ? 'active' : 'inactive') div class=('active' if is_active?) 
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Sergey Alekseev Avatar asked Mar 06 '13 08:03

Sergey Alekseev

People also ask

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Slim is a template language whose goal is reduce the syntax to the essential parts without becoming cryptic.

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Definition of slim file : a file very narrow in proportion to its length.

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HTML comment /!Use the forward slash immediately followed by an exclamation mark for html comments ( <! -- ... --> ).

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2 Answers

See the examples below:

div class=(is_active? ? 'active' : 'inactive') div class=('active' if is_active?) 

The same approach can be used to assign dynamic values to other attributes.

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Sergey Alekseev Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10

Sergey Alekseev

I use array of classes and nil element if there is no need to include class in list, then compact array to remove nil elements and finally join all together.

div class=(["cday", "col-md-1", day.day == 1 ? "col-md-offset-#{day.cwday-1}" : nil].compact.join(' ')) 
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Oleg Kr Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Oleg Kr