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Rails filtering array of objects by attribute value

So I perform a query to the db and I have a complete array of objects:

@attachments = Job.find(1).attachments 

Now that I have an array of objects I don't want to perform another db query, but I would like to filter the array based on the Attachment object's file_type so that I can have a list of attachments where the file type is 'logo' and then another list of attachments where the file type is 'image'

Something like this:

@logos  = @attachments.where("file_type = ?", 'logo') @images = @attachments.where("file_type = ?", 'image') 

But in memory instead of a db query.

like image 927
joepour Avatar asked Apr 09 '12 06:04


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One can use filter() function in JavaScript to filter the object array based on attributes. The filter() function will return a new array containing all the array elements that pass the given condition. If no elements pass the condition it returns an empty array.

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You can use the select method in Ruby to filter an array of objects. For example, you can find all the even numbers in a list. That's quite a bit of code for something so simple!

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Array#select() : select() is a Array class method which returns a new array containing all elements of array for which the given block returns a true value. Return: A new array containing all elements of array for which the given block returns a true value.

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The filter() is an inbuilt method in Ruby that returns an array which contains the member value from struct which returns a true value for the given block. Parameters: The function accepts a single parameter block which specifies the condition.

2 Answers

Try :

This is fine :

@logos = @attachments.select { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'logo' } @images = @attachments.select { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'image' } 

but for performance wise you don't need to iterate @attachments twice :

@logos , @images = [], [] @attachments.each do |attachment|   @logos << attachment if attachment.file_type == 'logo'   @images << attachment if attachment.file_type == 'image' end 
like image 165
Vik Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10


If your attachments are

@attachments = Job.find(1).attachments 

This will be array of attachment objects

Use select method to filter based on file_type.

@logos = @attachments.select { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'logo' } @images = @attachments.select { |attachment| attachment.file_type == 'image' } 

This will not trigger any db query.

like image 23
Soundar Rathinasamy Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10

Soundar Rathinasamy