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Slide out panel with bootstrap

I use twitter bootstrap, and trying to do something similar here (a slide out panel). I have seen the nav-collapse effect which is quite similar except it drops down from above and only appears below a certain screen size. Hope the existing code may be able to use the effect as in


is it possible?


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bsr Avatar asked Mar 31 '13 17:03


2 Answers

I've previously used Javascript based plugin called SnapJS: https://github.com/jakiestfu/Snap.js/

There are some useful implementation demos here: http://jakiestfu.github.io/Snap.js/demo/apps/default.html

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professormeowingtons Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11


This looks pretty much like what you need, and it's compatible with Bootstrap 3.0: https://github.com/stevepeak/bump

This is a pretty old question, but for the sake of google searches, I thought it might be good.

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Yëco Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11
