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What does inherit mean in CSS? [duplicate]



I often use background: inherit;. Like this, many other CSS properties accept inherit as a value.

But what does inherit mean? How does it work?

like image 678
Bhojendra Rauniyar Avatar asked Mar 22 '13 07:03

Bhojendra Rauniyar

2 Answers

inherit means simply that the style will be inherited from the element's parent. For example:



<div class="blue">
    <div class="inherit">I also have a blue background!</div>


.blue { background: blue; }
.inherit { background: inherit; }

Using inherit on background will normally not do you much good however, and normally produce the same as the default of a transparent background would. The above example adds nothing really, it puts a blue background on top of a blue background, the main purpose of inherit is for use in certain default values like with color and font-size.

like image 78
Daniel Imms Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09

Daniel Imms

It does what inheritance does in general .. that is inherit the property of the parent element

say we have following html


and we have css like

    padding : "10px"
   padding : inherit //10px

since h1 is child of div so will use the value of padding property for div

also see this thread What does the inherit keyword in CSS do?

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alwaysLearn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
