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Slice pandas DataFrame by MultiIndex level or sublevel




Inspired by this answer and the lack of an easy answer to this question I found myself writing a little syntactic sugar to make life easier to filter by MultiIndex level.

def _filter_series(x, level_name, filter_by):
    Filter a pd.Series or pd.DataFrame x by `filter_by` on the MultiIndex level

    Uses `pd.Index.get_level_values()` in the background. `filter_by` is either
    a string or an iterable.
    if isinstance(x, pd.Series) or isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame):
        if type(filter_by) is str:
            filter_by = [filter_by]

        index = x.index.get_level_values(level_name).isin(filter_by)
        return x[index]
        print "Not a pandas object"

But if I know the pandas development team (and I'm starting to, slowly!) there's already a nice way to do this, and I just don't know what it is yet!

Am I right?

like image 690
LondonRob Avatar asked Apr 10 '14 11:04


People also ask

How do you slice a Pandas DataFrame?

Slicing a DataFrame in Pandas includes the following steps:Ensure Python is installed (or install ActivePython) Import a dataset. Create a DataFrame. Slice the DataFrame.

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from_tuples() function is used to convert list of tuples to MultiIndex. It is one of the several ways in which we construct a MultiIndex.

2 Answers

I actually upvoted joris's answer... but unfortunately the refactoring he mentions has not happened in 0.14 and is not happening in 0.17 neither. So for the moment let me suggest a quick and dirty solution (obviously derived from Jeff's one):

def filter_by(df, constraints):
    """Filter MultiIndex by sublevels."""
    indexer = [constraints[name] if name in constraints else slice(None)
               for name in df.index.names]
    return df.loc[tuple(indexer)] if len(df.shape) == 1 else df.loc[tuple(indexer),]

pd.Series.filter_by = filter_by
pd.DataFrame.filter_by = filter_by

... to be used as

df.filter_by({'level_name' : value})

where value can be indeed a single value, but also a list, a slice...

(untested with Panels and higher dimension elements, but I do expect it to work)

like image 182
Pietro Battiston Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Pietro Battiston

This is very easy using the new multi-index slicers in master/0.14 (releasing soon), see here

There is an open issue to make this syntatically easier (its not hard to do), see here e.g something like this: df.loc[{ 'third' : ['C1','C3'] }] I think is reasonable

Here's how you can do it (requires master/0.14):

In [2]: def mklbl(prefix,n):
   ...:     return ["%s%s" % (prefix,i)  for i in range(n)]

In [11]: index = MultiIndex.from_product([mklbl('A',4),

In [12]: columns = ['value']

In [13]: df = DataFrame(np.arange(len(index)*len(columns)).reshape((len(index),len(columns))),index=index,columns=columns).sortlevel()

In [14]: df
first second third fourth       
A0    B0     C0    D0          0
                   D1          1
             C1    D0          2
                   D1          3
             C2    D0          4
                   D1          5
             C3    D0          6
                   D1          7
      B1     C0    D0          8
                   D1          9
             C1    D0         10
                   D1         11
             C2    D0         12
                   D1         13
             C3    D0         14
                   D1         15
A1    B0     C0    D0         16
                   D1         17
             C1    D0         18
                   D1         19
             C2    D0         20
                   D1         21
             C3    D0         22
                   D1         23
      B1     C0    D0         24
                   D1         25
             C1    D0         26
                   D1         27
             C2    D0         28
                   D1         29
             C3    D0         30
                   D1         31
A2    B0     C0    D0         32
                   D1         33
             C1    D0         34
                   D1         35
             C2    D0         36
                   D1         37
             C3    D0         38
                   D1         39
      B1     C0    D0         40
                   D1         41
             C1    D0         42
                   D1         43
             C2    D0         44
                   D1         45
             C3    D0         46
                   D1         47
A3    B0     C0    D0         48
                   D1         49
             C1    D0         50
                   D1         51
             C2    D0         52
                   D1         53
             C3    D0         54
                   D1         55
      B1     C0    D0         56
                   D1         57
             C1    D0         58
                   D1         59

[64 rows x 1 columns]

Create an indexer across all of the levels, selecting all entries

In [15]: indexer = [slice(None)]*len(df.index.names)

Make the level we care about only have the entries we care about

In [16]: indexer[df.index.names.index('third')] = ['C1','C3']

Select it (its important that this is a tuple!)

In [18]: df.loc[tuple(indexer),:]
first second third fourth       
A0    B0     C1    D0          2
                   D1          3
             C3    D0          6
                   D1          7
      B1     C1    D0         10
                   D1         11
             C3    D0         14
                   D1         15
A1    B0     C1    D0         18
                   D1         19
             C3    D0         22
                   D1         23
      B1     C1    D0         26
                   D1         27
             C3    D0         30
                   D1         31
A2    B0     C1    D0         34
                   D1         35
             C3    D0         38
                   D1         39
      B1     C1    D0         42
                   D1         43
             C3    D0         46
                   D1         47
A3    B0     C1    D0         50
                   D1         51
             C3    D0         54
                   D1         55
      B1     C1    D0         58
                   D1         59
             C3    D0         62
                   D1         63

[32 rows x 1 columns]
like image 42
Jeff Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09
