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Slack: change browser to open links from desktop app



I use two browsers on my laptop - Brave for my personal stuff (Facebook, personal email, interesting things I want to read) and Firefox for my work browsing (work email, internal webpages, work communication). Normally I like having my default browser for the computer set to Brave (personal), since most of the time I use the laptop outside of work.

I now have the Slack desktop app to keep in better communication with folks at work. But when I click on links from there, it goes to Brave where I am not logged-in to anything work related.

Is there a way to change the browser that Slack opens without changin my system wide default browser?

I'm on a Mac, Mojave, if that helps.

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thestarsatnight Avatar asked Apr 01 '20 13:04


People also ask

How do I open Slack links on my desktop app?

Links to messages in Slack always open in your default browser first, and then you'll get a prompt to open the message in the Slack app directly. You also have the option to select "Always open these links in the app directly" in the prompt. Hope this helps!

Why is Slack not opening links?

Usually, this issue on Slack is caused by a problem with your web browser. You may have selected the wrong browser to open links, or your current browser is experiencing technical issues at the moment. Whichever the case is, this problem should be addressed immediately.

2 Answers

You could use Browserosaurus or Finicky or even a combination of them.

When Browserosaurus is set up as default browser, and a link is clicked, it shows a list of installed/configured browsers in which to open that link that can be selected with a one-character shortcut.

Finicky can also be setup as a default browser and it allows me to setup rules that can launch a suitable browser based upon those rules. For example: open slack.com links in Firefox, Box.com in Safari and so on.


  • Browserosaurus - https://github.com/will-stone/browserosaurus
  • Finicky - https://github.com/johnste/finicky
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localghost Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


I tried many options; nothing worked for me. Firfox is my default browser but slack opened links Opera. So i uninstalled Opera. Then slack opened links in Chrome.

Here is what i did that worked for me.

  • I use Kubuntu and firefox is already the default browser (verified from firefox's settings)
  • I want slack to open links in firefox
  • Open System Settings -> Applications -> Default Applications
  • Select Firefox as the default for Web Browser.

Now slack opens links in firefox.

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Pragalathan M Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Pragalathan M