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SKPaymentTransactionObserver `In-app purchases can’t be promoted on the App Store` on iTunes connect but delegate implemented and tested

We keep getting this warning message in Itunes connect after implementation and test of the delegate method:

These in-app purchases can’t be promoted on the App Store because your latest app binary doesn’t include the SKPaymentTransactionObserver method.

We implemented the delegate method for the new App Store purchase from iOS 11 in a dedicated object that manages our payments and other SKPaymentTRansactionObserver.

func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, shouldAddStorePayment payment: SKPayment, for product: SKProduct) -> Bool {
    let isProUser = userDataService.isUserPro
    let isUserLoggedIn = userDataService.isUserLoggedIn

    if isUserLoggedIn && !isProUser {
        return true
    } else if isUserLoggedIn && isProUser {
        return false
    paymentFromAppStore = payment
    return false

We tested it with:

itms-services://?action=purchaseIntent&bundleId=[add your bundleID]&productIdentifier=[Add your productID]

And everything worked fine during tests. The delegate is called and payment processing for sandbox users. We submitted our app and we've been approved but nothing happened on Itunes connect.

Are we the only one facing this issue? Does anyone have an answer and solution?

Thanks in advance for any answer!

EDIT: Yellow message disapear on its own. I created a radar that we foward to apple. And now it seams that the message disapear. So we will see with our next release if if works in production. I will update this post again to give a final answer.

SOLUTION: Problem was from Apple side on Itunes connect. After my radar our app has now App Store purchase available and visible on the App Store. If someone has the same issue that we had, don't hesitate to create a Radar for it.

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Sarah Wood Avatar asked Oct 10 '17 17:10

Sarah Wood

People also ask

Why is my iPhone not letting me make in app purchases?

You can check if the in-app purchases are enabled on your device by opening your device's settings by following these steps: Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. Go to Screen Time Screen Time> Content & Privacy Restrictions > iTunes & App Store Purchases > In-app Purchases. Select "Allow"

Why is my app store purchase Not working?

Restart the device Tap Power off or Restart (depending on your device this text may be different). If needed, hold down the power button again to turn the device back on. Wait for the device to start back up. Re-open the app or game and check if the in-app purchase has been delivered.

How do I promote in app purchases?

Promoting in-app purchases requires two steps: Set up in-app purchases in App Store Connect by uploading promotional images for the in-app purchases you'd like to promote. You can then use the App Store Promotions tool in App Store Connect to manage their order and visibility on the App Store.

1 Answers

SOLUTION: Problem was from Apple side on Itunes connect. After the radar I created, our app has now App Store purchase available and visible on the App Store. If someone has the same issue that we had, don't hesitate to create a Radar for it.

like image 83
Sarah Wood Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 22:10

Sarah Wood