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Skip and top functions for paging in DocumentDB

Can we do Skip and Top for paging like

SELECT TOP 10 PostId FROM Contacts

in DocumentDB ?

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madhu Avatar asked Dec 18 '14 10:12


2 Answers

Not sure what language you are working with or if you still need an answer but This is what I did to work around the TOP X until the feature is implemented.

I wanted to run a query and only grab the top 1 from the results w/o returning the entire collection. In the SDK I found the feedOptions object that was able to only select the TOP X that i needed.

The code:


       var options = new FeedOptions { MaxItemCount = 1 };
       var query = _documentclient.CreateDocumentQuery<MyObject>(this.MyObjects.SelfLink, "SELECT * FROM MyObject m WHERE m.Enabled = false", options).AsDocumentQuery();
       var topItem = (await query.ExecuteNextAsync<MismatchedAnswer>()).FirstOrDefault();

Node.js (GITHUB)

client.queryDocuments(collectionSelfLink, "SELECT * FROM MyObject m WHERE m.Enabled = false",{maxItemCount: 1}).nextItem(function(err, element){
    console.log([err, firstItem]);
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Dewseph Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 10:01


Skip and Top are not implemented yet.

Please voice your opinion by voting for this feature on the Azure Feedback forum:


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Andrew Liu Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 10:01

Andrew Liu