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size() of std::array pointer in constexpr context

Let's say I have a function like:

int test(std::array<char, 8>* data) {
  char buffer[data->size() * 2];

  [... some code ...]

clearly the size of the buffer can be evaluated at compile time: data has a constexpr size of 8 elements, 8 * 2 = 16 bytes.

However, when compiling with -Wall, -pedantic and -std=c++11 I get the infamous error:

warning: variable length arrays are a C99 feature [-Wvla-extension]

which I believe makes sense: array::size() is constexpr, but it is still a method, and in the function above we still have to dereference a pointer, which is not constexpr.

If I try something like:

int test(std::array<char, 8>& data) {
  char buffer[data.size() * 2];

gcc (tried version 5.2.0) seems happy: there is no warning.

But with clang++ (3.5.1) I still get a warning complaining about variable length arrays.

In my case, I can't easily change the signature of test, it has to take a pointer. So... a few questions:

  1. What is the best / most standard way to get the size of a std::array pointer in constexpr context?

  2. Is the difference in behavior with pointers vs references expected? Which compiler is right about the warning, gcc or clang?

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rabexc Avatar asked Oct 06 '15 13:10


1 Answers

I do not know about 2.

But for 1, we can do this:

template<class T, size_t N>
constexpr std::integral_constant<size_t, N> array_size( std::array<T, N> const& ) {
  return {};


void test(std::array<char, 8>* data) {
  using size=decltype(array_size(*data));
  char buffer[size{}];
  // [... some code ...]


template<class T, class U, size_t N>
std::array<T,N> same_sized_array( std::array< U, N > const& ) {
  return {};

void test(std::array<char, 8>* data) {
  auto buffer = same_sized_array<char>(*data);
  // [... some code ...]

finally, a C++14 cleanup:

template<class A>
constexpr const decltype(array_size( std::declval<A>() )) array_size_v = {};

void test3(std::array<char, 8>* data) {
  char buffer[array_size_v<decltype(*data)>];
  // [... some code ...]

Live example.

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont