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Singleton httpclient vs creating new httpclient request

I am trying to create layer for webservice using HttpClient in my Xamarin.Forms mobile app.

  1. without singlton pattern
  2. with singleton pattern

in first approach i am creating new http client object in each new request made by mobile applicaiton.

here is my code

  public HttpClient GetConnection()         {              HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();             httpClient.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);              httpClient.Timeout = System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeout);               return httpClient;          } 

post request code

 public async Task<TResult> PostAsync<TRequest, TResult>(String url, TRequest requestData)         {             HttpClient client = GetConnection();             String responseData = null;             if (client != null)             {                  String serializedObject = await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestData, _jsonSerializerSettings));                 var jsonContent = new StringContent(serializedObject, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");                 HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative), jsonContent);                 responseData = await HandleResponse(response);                   return await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResult>(responseData, _jsonSerializerSettings));               }             else             {                  throw new NullReferenceException("NullReferenceException @ PostAsync  httpclient is null WebRequest.cs");              }          } 

client will use following code to execute request

new LoginService(new WebRequest()).UserLogin(userRequest); 

inside class that implements IWebRequest

_webRequest.PostAsync<UserRequest,bool>(Constants.USER_LOGIN, userRequest); 

in second approach i am reusing the same http client object in each new request here , my singleton class is thread safe too.

private static readonly Lazy<HttpService> lazy =         new Lazy<HttpService>(() => new HttpService());          public static HttpService Instance { get { return lazy.Value; } }            private HttpClient getConnection()         {              client = new HttpClient();             client.Timeout = System.TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeout);              //client.MaxResponseContentBufferSize = 500000;             client.BaseAddress = new Uri(baseAddress);             return client;         } 

post request code

public Task<HttpResponseMessage> sendData(String url,String jsonData)         {              var jsonContent = new StringContent(jsonData, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");              return getConnection().PostAsync(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative), jsonContent);         } 

client will use following code to execute


i have gone through many libraries like RestSharp over web just to explore the best and i found that most of them are creating new objects per request. so i am confused which pattern fits best.

like image 347
Hunt Avatar asked Feb 14 '18 02:02


People also ask

Should we create a new single instance of HttpClient for all requests?

The correct way as per the post is to create a single instance of HttpClient as it helps to reduce waste of sockets.

Should HttpClient be singleton Java?

The HttpClient class is more suitable as a singleton for a single app domain. This means the singleton should be shared across multiple container classes.

Is HttpClientFactory a singleton?

Extensions. Http NuGet package that includes the AddHttpClient extension method for IServiceCollection. This extension method registers the internal DefaultHttpClientFactory class to be used as a singleton for the interface IHttpClientFactory . It defines a transient configuration for the HttpMessageHandlerBuilder.

2 Answers

Update: It seems that using a single static instance of HttpClient doesn't respect DNS changes, so the solution is to use HttpClientFactory. See here for Microsoft docs about it.

To use the HttpClientFactory you have to use Microsoft's dependency injection. This is the default for ASP.NET Core projects, but for others you will have to reference Microsoft.Extensions.Http and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.

Then when you're creating your service container, you simply call AddHttpClient():

var services = new ServiceCollection(); services.AddHttpClient() var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider(); 

And then you can inject IHttpClientFactory into your services, and behind the scenes HttpClientFactory will maintain a pool of HttpClientHandler objects - keeping your DNS fresh and preventing problems with connection pool exhaustion.

Old answer:

Singleton is the correct way to use HttpClient. Please see this article for full details.

Microsoft docs state:

HttpClient is intended to be instantiated once and re-used throughout the life of an application. Instantiating an HttpClient class for every request will exhaust the number of sockets available under heavy loads. This will result in SocketException errors. Below is an example using HttpClient correctly.

And indeed, we found this in our application. We have code that can potentially make hundreds of API requests in a foreach loop, and for each iteration we were creating an HttpClient wrapped in a using. We soon started getting red herring errors from our MongoClient saying that it had timed out trying to connect to the database. After reading the linked article, we found that even after disposing of HttpClient, and realised that we were exhausting the available sockets.

The only thing to note is that things like DefaultRequestHeaders and BaseAddress will be applied anywhere that HttpClient is used. As a singleton, this is potentially throughout the application. You can still create multiple HttpClient instances in your application, but just be aware that each time you do, they create a new connection pool and, as such, should be created sparingly.

As pointed out by hvaughan3, you also can't change the instance of HttpMessageHandler used by the HttpClient, so if this matters to you, you would need to use a separate instance with that handler.

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DiplomacyNotWar Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09


While HttpClient is supposed to be reused, it does not necessarily mean we have to use singleton to organize our code. Please refer to my answer here. Also quoted below.

I'm late to the party, but here is my learning journey on this tricky topic.

1. Where can we find the official advocate on reusing HttpClient?

I mean, if reusing HttpClient is intended and doing so is important, such advocate is better documented in its own API documentation, rather than being hidden in lots of "Advanced Topics", "Performance (anti)pattern" or other blog posts out there. Otherwise how is a new learner supposed to know it before it is too late?

As of now (May 2018), the first search result when googling "c# httpclient" points to this API reference page on MSDN, which does not mention that intention at all. Well, lesson 1 here for newbie is, always click the "Other Versions" link right after the MSDN help page headline, you will probably find links to the "current version" there. In this HttpClient case, it will bring you to the latest document here containing that intention description.

I suspect many developers who was new to this topic did not find the correct documentation page either, that's why this knowledge is not widely spread, and people were surprised when they found it out later, possibly in a hard way.

2. The (mis?)conception of using IDisposable

This one is slightly off-topic but still worth pointing out that, it is not a coincidence to see people in those aforementioned blog posts blaming how HttpClient 's IDisposable interface makes them tend to use the using (var client = new HttpClient()) {...} pattern and then lead to the problem.

I believe that comes down to an unspoken (mis?)conception: "an IDisposable object is expected to be short-lived".

HOWEVER, while it certainly looks like a short-lived thing when we write code in this style:

using (var foo = new SomeDisposableObject()) {     ... } 

the official documentation on IDisposable never mentions IDisposable objects have to be short-lived. By definition, IDisposable is merely a mechanism to allow you to release unmanaged resources. Nothing more. In that sense, you are EXPECTED to eventually trigger the disposal, but it does not require you to do so in a short-lived fashion.

It is therefore your job to properly choose when to trigger the disposal, base on your real object's life cycle requirement. There is nothing stopping you from using an IDisposable in a long-lived way:

using System; namespace HelloWorld {     class Hello     {         static void Main()         {             Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");              using (var client = new HttpClient())             {                 for (...) { ... }  // A really long loop                  // Or you may even somehow start a daemon here              }              // Keep the console window open in debug mode.             Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");             Console.ReadKey();         }     } } 

With this new understanding, now we revisit that blog post, we can clearly notice that the "fix" initializes HttpClient once but never dispose it, that is why we can see from its netstat output that, the connection remains at ESTABLISHED state which means it has NOT been properly closed. If it were closed, its state would be in TIME_WAIT instead. In practice, it is not a big deal to leak only one connection open after your entire program ends, and the blog poster still see a performance gain after the fix; but still, it is conceptually incorrect to blame IDisposable and choose to NOT dispose it.

3. Do we have to put HttpClient into a static property, or even put it as a singleton?

Based on the understanding of the previous section, I think the answer here becomes clear: "not necessarily". It really depends on how you organize your code, as long as you reuse an HttpClient AND (ideally) dispose it eventually.

Hilariously, not even the example in the Remarks section of the current official document does it strictly right. It defines a "GoodController" class, containing a static HttpClient property that will not be disposed; which disobeys what another example in the Examples section emphasizes: "need to call dispose ... so app doesn't leak resources".

And lastly, singleton is not without its own challenges.

"How many people think global variable is a good idea? No one.

How many people think singleton is a good idea? A few.

What gives? Singletons are just a bunch of global variables."

-- Quoted from this inspiring talk, "Global State and Singletons"

PS: SqlConnection

This one is irrelevant to the current Q&A, but it is probably a good-to-know. SqlConnection usage pattern is different. You do NOT need to reuse SqlConnection, because it will handle its connection pool better that way.

The difference is caused by their implementation approach. Each HttpClient instance uses its own connection pool (quoted from here); but SqlConnection itself is managed by a central connection pool, according to this.

And you still need to dispose SqlConnection, same as you are supposed to do for HttpClient.

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RayLuo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
