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creating WCF ChannelFactory<T>

I'm trying to convert an existing .NET Remoting application to WCF. Both server and client share common interface and all objects are server-activated objects.

In WCF world, this would be similar to creating per-call service and using ChannelFactory<T> to create a proxy. I'm struggling a bit with how to properly create ChannelFactory<T> for an ASP.NET client.

For performance reasons, I want to cache ChannelFactory<T> objects and just create channel every time I call the service. In .NET remoting days, there used to be RemotingConfiguration.GetRegisteredWellknownClientTypes() method to get a collection of client objects that I could then cache. It appears, in WCF world there is no such thing, although I was able to get a collection of endpoints from config file.

Now here is what I think will work. I can create something like this:

public static ProxyHelper {     static Dictionary<Type, object> lookup = new Dictionary<string, object>();        static public T GetChannel<T>()     {         Type type = typeof(T);         ChannelFactory<T> factory;          if (!lookup.ContainsKey(type))         {             factory = new ChannelFactory<T>();             lookup.Add(type, factory);         }         else         {             factory = (ChannelFactory<T>)lookup[type];         }          T proxy = factory.CreateChannel();            ((IClientChannel)proxy).Open();          return proxy;     }     } 

I think the above code will work, but I'm a bit worried about multiple threads trying to add new ChannelFactory<T> objects if it's not in the lookup. Since I'm using .NET 4.0, I was thinking about using ConcurrentDictionary and use GetOrAdd() method or use TryGetValue() method first to check if ChannelFactory<T> exists and it does not exist, then use GetOrAdd() method. Not sure about performance though of ConcurrentDictionary.TryGetValue() and ConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd() method.

Another minor question is whether I need to call ChannelFactory.Close() method on channel factory objects after ASP.NET application ends or can I just let .NET framework dispose the channel factory objects on its own. The proxy channel will always be closed after calling service method by using ((IChannel)proxy).Close() method.

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Eric Avatar asked Jul 08 '10 01:07


People also ask

What is ChannelFactory in WCF?

A Channel Factory enables you to create a communication channel to the service without a proxy. A Channel Factory that creates and manages the various types of channels which are used by a client to send a message to various configured service endpoints.

What is Factory Channel?

Channel Factory is a global technology and data platform that maximizes both performance efficiency and contextual suitability, delivering contextual performance for advertisers on YouTube.

Does .NET core support WCF?

NET Core and . NET 5 support calling WCF services, but won't offer server-side support for hosting WCF. There are two recommended paths for modernizing WCF apps: gRPC is built on modern technologies and has emerged as the most popular choice across the developer community for RPC apps.

2 Answers

Here's a helper class that I use to handle channel factories:

public class ChannelFactoryManager : IDisposable {     private static Dictionary<Type, ChannelFactory> _factories = new Dictionary<Type,ChannelFactory>();     private static readonly object _syncRoot = new object();      public virtual T CreateChannel<T>() where T : class     {         return CreateChannel<T>("*", null);     }      public virtual T CreateChannel<T>(string endpointConfigurationName) where T : class     {         return CreateChannel<T>(endpointConfigurationName, null);     }      public virtual T CreateChannel<T>(string endpointConfigurationName, string endpointAddress) where T : class     {         T local = GetFactory<T>(endpointConfigurationName, endpointAddress).CreateChannel();         ((IClientChannel)local).Faulted += ChannelFaulted;         return local;     }      protected virtual ChannelFactory<T> GetFactory<T>(string endpointConfigurationName, string endpointAddress) where T : class     {         lock (_syncRoot)         {             ChannelFactory factory;             if (!_factories.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out factory))             {                 factory = CreateFactoryInstance<T>(endpointConfigurationName, endpointAddress);                 _factories.Add(typeof(T), factory);             }             return (factory as ChannelFactory<T>);         }     }      private ChannelFactory CreateFactoryInstance<T>(string endpointConfigurationName, string endpointAddress)     {         ChannelFactory factory = null;         if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpointAddress))         {             factory = new ChannelFactory<T>(endpointConfigurationName, new EndpointAddress(endpointAddress));         }         else         {             factory = new ChannelFactory<T>(endpointConfigurationName);         }         factory.Faulted += FactoryFaulted;         factory.Open();         return factory;     }      private void ChannelFaulted(object sender, EventArgs e)     {         IClientChannel channel = (IClientChannel)sender;         try         {             channel.Close();         }         catch         {             channel.Abort();         }         throw new ApplicationException("Exc_ChannelFailure");     }      private void FactoryFaulted(object sender, EventArgs args)     {         ChannelFactory factory = (ChannelFactory)sender;         try         {             factory.Close();         }         catch         {             factory.Abort();         }         Type[] genericArguments = factory.GetType().GetGenericArguments();         if ((genericArguments != null) && (genericArguments.Length == 1))         {             Type key = genericArguments[0];             if (_factories.ContainsKey(key))             {                 _factories.Remove(key);             }         }         throw new ApplicationException("Exc_ChannelFactoryFailure");     }      public void Dispose()     {         Dispose(true);     }      protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)     {         if (disposing)         {             lock (_syncRoot)             {                 foreach (Type type in _factories.Keys)                 {                     ChannelFactory factory = _factories[type];                     try                     {                         factory.Close();                         continue;                     }                     catch                     {                         factory.Abort();                         continue;                     }                 }                 _factories.Clear();             }         }     } } 

Then I define a service invoker:

public interface IServiceInvoker {     R InvokeService<T, R>(Func<T, R> invokeHandler) where T: class; } 

and an implementation:

public class WCFServiceInvoker : IServiceInvoker {     private static ChannelFactoryManager _factoryManager = new ChannelFactoryManager();     private static ClientSection _clientSection = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.serviceModel/client") as ClientSection;      public R InvokeService<T, R>(Func<T, R> invokeHandler) where T : class     {         var endpointNameAddressPair = GetEndpointNameAddressPair(typeof(T));         T arg = _factoryManager.CreateChannel<T>(endpointNameAddressPair.Key, endpointNameAddressPair.Value);         ICommunicationObject obj2 = (ICommunicationObject)arg;         try         {             return invokeHandler(arg);         }         finally         {             try             {                 if (obj2.State != CommunicationState.Faulted)                 {                     obj2.Close();                 }             }             catch             {                 obj2.Abort();             }         }     }      private KeyValuePair<string, string> GetEndpointNameAddressPair(Type serviceContractType)     {         var configException = new ConfigurationErrorsException(string.Format("No client endpoint found for type {0}. Please add the section <client><endpoint name=\"myservice\" address=\"http://address/\" binding=\"basicHttpBinding\" contract=\"{0}\"/></client> in the config file.", serviceContractType));         if (((_clientSection == null) || (_clientSection.Endpoints == null)) || (_clientSection.Endpoints.Count < 1))         {             throw configException;         }         foreach (ChannelEndpointElement element in _clientSection.Endpoints)         {             if (element.Contract == serviceContractType.ToString())             {                 return new KeyValuePair<string, string>(element.Name, element.Address.AbsoluteUri);             }         }         throw configException;     }  } 

Now every time you need to call a WCF service you could use this:

WCFServiceInvoker invoker = new WCFServiceInvoker(); SomeReturnType result = invoker.InvokeService<IMyServiceContract, SomeReturnType>(     proxy => proxy.SomeMethod() ); 

This assumes that you've defined a client endpoint for the IMyServiceContract service contract in the config file:

<client>     <endpoint          name="myservice"          address="http://example.com/"          binding="basicHttpBinding"          contract="IMyServiceContract" /> </client> 
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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 07:10

Darin Dimitrov

Yes, if you want to create something like this - a static class to hold all those ChannelFactory<T> instances - you definitely have to make sure this class is 100% thread-safe and cannot stumble when accessed concurrently. I haven't used .NET 4's features much yet, so I cannot comment on those specifically - but I would definitely recommend to make this as safe as possible.

As for your second (minor) question: the ChannelFactory itself is a static class - so you cannot really call a .Close() method on it. If you meant to ask whether or not to call the .Close() method on the actual IChannel, then again: yes, try your best to be a good citizen and close those channels if you ever can. If you miss one, .NET will take care of it - but don't just toss your unused channels on the floor and go on - clean up after yourself! :-)

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marc_s Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 06:10
