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Singleton and init with parameter



I want to use the singleton pattern in my class which has a private init with parameter. It also has a class function called setup which configures and creates the shared instance. My objective-c code would be:

@interface MySingleton: NSObject  + (MySingleton *)setup:(MyConfig *)config; + (MySingleton *)shared; @property (readonly, strong, nonatomic) MyConfig *config;  @end   @implementation MySingleton  static MySingleton *sharedInstance = nil;  + (MySingleton *)setup:(MyConfig *)config {     static dispatch_once_t onceToken;     dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{         sharedInstance = [[self alloc] initWithConfig:config];     });      // Some other stuff here      return sharedInstance; }  + (MySingleton *)shared {     if (sharedInstance == nil) {         NSLog(@"error: shared called before setup");     }     return sharedInstance; }  - (instancetype)initWithConfig:(RVConfig *)config {     self = [super init];     if (self) {         _config = config;     }     return self; }  @end 

I am stuck with Swift:

class Asteroid {     var config: ASTConfig? // This actually should be read-only      class func setup(config: ASTConfig) -> Asteroid {         struct Static {             static let instance : Asteroid = Asteroid(config: config)         }          return Static.instance     }      class var shared: Asteroid? {         // ???     }      private init(config: ASTConfig) {         self.config = config     } } 

I think I am still thinking in objective-c way and couldn't figure it out with swift. Any help?

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knshn Avatar asked Feb 10 '15 10:02


People also ask

Can singleton class have parameters?

The parametric singleton pattern allows for one instance of a class for a given set of parameters. It provides a single point of global access to a class, just the way the singleton pattern does [Cooper]. The difference is that, for each new parameter, another instance is created.

Can singleton constructor have parameters?

However, singleton is a principle in Java that can only be created when: A private class has a default constructor. Any protected static class type object is declared with the null value. A parameter is assigned to the constructor of the singleton class type (as we did in step two).

Can we initialize singleton class?

To create a singleton class using Eager Initialization method, we need to follow the below steps: Declare the constructor of the class as private. Now, create a private class member for this Singleton class. In the next step, you need to define a factory method that will return the object of the Singleton class.

Why you should not use singletons?

By using singletons in your project, you start to create technical debt. Singletons tend to spread like a virus because it's so easy to access them. It's difficult to keep track of where they're used and getting rid of a singleton can be a refactoring nightmare in large or complex projects.

2 Answers

I have a slightly different solution. This relies on

  1. Static variable is lazily initialised
  2. Using a Config struct to store the initialisation params
  3. Enforcing the setup call with a fatalError in init (if the setup call isn't called before accessing the singleton)


class MySingleton {      static let shared = MySingleton()      struct Config {         var param:String     }     private static var config:Config?      class func setup(_ config:Config){         MySingleton.config = config     }      private init() {         guard let config = MySingleton.config else {             fatalError("Error - you must call setup before accessing MySingleton.shared")         }          //Regular initialisation using config     } } 

To use this, you set it up with

MySingleton.setup(MySingleton.Config(param: "Some Param")) 

(Obviously you can use multiple params if needed by expanding the MySingleton.Config struct)

Then to access the singleton, you use


I'm not wild about having to use a separate setup struct, but I like that this stays close to the recommended singleton pattern. Keeping the setup struct inside the singleton keeps things fairly clean.

Note - the shared object is a singleton. In the background, swift uses dispatchOnce to guarantee that. However there is nothing stopping you from calling setup multiple times with different configs from different threads.

At the moment, the first call to shared will 'lock' the setup.

If you want to lock things down after the first call to setup, then just call

_ = MySingleton.shared 

in setup

Simple Example:

class ServerSingleton {     static let shared = ServerSingleton()      struct Config {         var host:String     }     private static var config:Config?      let host:String      class func setup(_ config:Config){         ServerSingleton.config = config     }      private init() {         guard let config = ServerSingleton.config else {             fatalError("Error - you must call setup before accessing MySingleton.shared")         }          host = config.host     }      func helpAddress() -> String {         return host+"/help.html"     } }  ServerSingleton.setup(ServerSingleton.Config(host: "http://hobbyistsoftware.com") ) let helpAddress = ServerSingleton.shared.helpAddress() //helpAddress is now http://hobbyistsoftware.com/help.html 
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Confused Vorlon Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Confused Vorlon

A literal translation of your Objective-C code might be:

private var _asteroidSharedInstance: Asteroid!  class Asteroid {     private var config: ASTConfig?      class func setup(config: ASTConfig) -> Asteroid {         struct Static {             static var onceToken: dispatch_once_t = 0         }         dispatch_once(&Static.onceToken) {             _asteroidSharedInstance = Asteroid(config: config)         }         return _asteroidSharedInstance     }      class var sharedInstance: Asteroid! {                 // personally, I'd make this `Asteroid`, not `Asteroid!`, but this is up to you         if _asteroidSharedInstance == nil {             println("error: shared called before setup")         }          return _asteroidSharedInstance     }      init(config: ASTConfig) {         self.config = config     } } 

Or, in Swift 1.2, you could eliminate that Static struct and simplify setup a bit:

private static var setupOnceToken: dispatch_once_t = 0  class func setup(config: ASTConfig) -> Asteroid {     dispatch_once(&setupOnceToken) {         _asteroidSharedInstance = Asteroid(config: config)     }     return _asteroidSharedInstance } 

This really isn't a singleton. (I suspect you know this, but I mention that for the benefit of future readers). Typically singletons can be instantiated wherever and whenever they're first used. This is a scenario where it's being instantiated and configured in only one particular place and you must take care to do this before you try to use it elsewhere. That's very curious approach. We lose some singleton functionality, but still suffer all of the traditional singleton limitations.

Clearly, if you're ok with that, that's fine. But if you're entertaining alternatives, two jump out at me:

  1. Make this real singleton: You can accomplish this (eliminating the dependency of having to call setup before you use sharedInstance) by moving the instantiation of the ASTConfig inside the init method. Then you can retire setup and just use your singleton like normal. The resulting implementation is greatly simplified, too. It gets reduced down to something like:

    class Asteroid {     static let sharedInstance = Asteroid()      private let config: ASTConfig      init() {         self.config = ASTConfig(...)     } } 

    Clearly, I suspect the devil is in the details of that ASTConfig object, but if you can do a proper singleton implementation, as you can see this is much simpler (esp. in Swift 1.2). And the above eliminates the setup vs sharedInstance problem. Eliminates the private global. Just simpler all the way around.

    Having said that, I assume you had compelling reasons to do it the way you did. Perhaps there is some critical reason why you must pass ASTConfig object to setup method rather than just instantiating it yourself within the init of the Asteroid class.

    I just felt obliged to point out that a proper singleton would be greatly preferable (both much simpler implementation and eliminates theoretical race conditions).

  2. Abandon singleton pattern entirely: Assuming using a proper singleton, as outlined above, is not possible, the next question is whether you should just abandon any remaining semblance of a singleton, just instantiate a simple Asteroid where you are currently calling setup, and then rather than relying upon sharedInstance, just pass it to the objects that really need it.

    You already have specified that you're going to manually setup the Asteroid up front, so let's formalize that relationship and eliminate many of the structural flaws that singletons introduce (see What's Alternative to Singleton or google "singletons are evil").

Don't get me wrong. I assume that you have compelling reasons to do it the way you have, and if the current implementation works for you, that's fine. But this is a very curious approach, in which you're encumbered with the theoretical liability of singletons without enjoying all the benefits.

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Rob Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
