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Is there a declarative way to transform Array to Dictionary?

I want to get from this array of strings

let entries = ["x=5", "y=7", "z=10"] 

to this

let keyValuePairs = ["x" : "5", "y" : "7", "z" : "10"] 

I tried to use map but the problem seems to be that a key - value pair in a dictionary is not a distinct type, it's just in my mind, but not in the Dictionary type so I couldn't really provide a transform function because there is nothing to transform to. Plus map return an array so it's a no go.

Any ideas?

like image 898
Earl Grey Avatar asked Feb 21 '16 12:02

Earl Grey

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This data type is usually called a dictionary. One benefit of casting your arrays t o dictionaries is that you’ll never have to write methods to find objects by ID again. You will simply access them by their ID directly.

1 Answers

Swift 4

As alluded to by fl034, this can be simplified some with Swift 4 where an error checked version looks like:

let foo = entries     .map { $0.components(separatedBy: "=") }     .reduce(into: [String:Int64]()) { dict, pair in         if pair.count == 2, let value = Int64(pair[1]) {             dict[pair[0]] = value         }     } 

Even simpler if you don't want the values as Ints:

let foo = entries     .map { $0.components(separatedBy: "=") }     .reduce(into: [String:String]()) { dict, pair in         if pair.count == 2 {             dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]         }     } 

Older TL;DR

Minus error checking, it looks pretty much like:

let foo = entries.map({ $0.componentsSeparatedByString("=") })     .reduce([String:Int]()) { acc, comps in         var ret = acc         ret[comps[0]] = Int(comps[1])         return ret     } 

Use map to turn the [String] into a split up [[String]] and then build the dictionary of [String:Int] from that using reduce.

Or, by adding an extension to Dictionary:

extension Dictionary {     init(elements:[(Key, Value)]) {         self.init()         for (key, value) in elements {             updateValue(value, forKey: key)         }     } } 

(Quite a useful extension btw, you can use it for a lot of map/filter operations on Dictionaries, really kind of a shame it doesn't exist by default)

It becomes even simpler:

let dict = Dictionary(elements: entries     .map({ $0.componentsSeparatedByString("=") })     .map({ ($0[0], Int($0[1])!)}) ) 

Of course, you can also combine the two map calls, but I prefer to break up the individual transforms.

If you want to add some error checking, flatMap can be used instead of map:

let dict2 = [String:Int](elements: entries     .map({ $0.componentsSeparatedByString("=") })     .flatMap({         if $0.count == 2, let value = Int($0[1]) {             return ($0[0], value)         } else {             return nil         }}) ) 

Again, if you want, you can obviously merge the map into the flatMap or split them for simplicity.

let dict2 = [String:Int](elements: entries.flatMap {     let parts = $0.componentsSeparatedByString("=")     if parts.count == 2, let value = Int(parts[1]) {         return (parts[0], value)     } else {         return nil     }} ) 
like image 51
David Berry Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

David Berry