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Single-shot event subscription

I'm fairly convinced that this isn't possible, but I'm going to ask nonetheless.

In order to make a single-shot subscription to events, I frequently find myself using this (self-invented) pattern:

EventHandler handler=null;
handler = (sender, e) =>
    SomeEvent -= handler;
SomeEvent += handler;

It's quite a lot of boiler-plate, and it also makes Resharper whinge about modified closures. Is there a way of turning this pattern into an extension method or similar? A better way of doing it?

Ideally, I'd like something like:

like image 993
spender Avatar asked Apr 11 '11 15:04


1 Answers

It's not very easy to refactor to an extension method, because the only way you can refer to an event in C# is by subscribing (+=) to or unsubscribing (-=) from it (unless it's declared in the current class).

You could use the same approach as in Reactive Extensions: Observable.FromEvent takes two delegates to subscribe to the event an unsubscribe from it. So you could do something like that:

public static class EventHelper
    public static void SubscribeOneShot(
        Action<EventHandler> subscribe,
        Action<EventHandler> unsubscribe,
        EventHandler handler)
        EventHandler actualHandler = null;
        actualHandler = (sender, e) =>
            handler(sender, e);


Foo f = new Foo();
    handler => f.Bar += handler,
    handler => f.Bar -= handler,
    (sender, e) => { /* whatever */ });
like image 107
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 16:10

Thomas Levesque