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Since connect doesn't use the parseCookie method anymore, how can we get session data using express?

In node.js and express, there are many examples showing how to get session data.

  • Node.js and Socket.io
  • Express and Socket.io - Tying it all Together
  • Socket.io and Session?

As you can see when you visit the 3rd link, it's a link to StackOverflow. There was a good answer, but as pointed out in those comments by @UpTheCreek, connect no longer has the parseCookie method. I have just run into this problem as well. All of the tutorials I have found uses connect's parseCookie method which now doesn't exist. So I asked him how we can get the session data and he said he doesn't know the best approach so I thought I'd post the question here. When using [email protected], socket.io, and redis, how can we get session data and use that to authorize the user? I've been able to use require('connect').utils.parseSignedCookie;, but when I do that, I always get a warning/error when handshaking,

warn - handshake error Error

and from what I've read it sounds like that isn't a permanent solution anyways.


Ok I got session.socket.io working on my server. And as I suspected, I got stuck at the point of authorizing. I think I might be going about this the wrong way, so feel free to correct me. In my Redis database, I will have user's information. The first time that they login, I want to update their cookie so it contains their user information. Then the next time they come back to the site, I want to check if they have a cookie and if the user information is there. If it is not there, I want to send them to the login screen. At the login screen, when a user submits information, it would test that information against the Redis database, and if it matches, it would update the cookie with user information. My questions are these:

1) How can I update/change a cookie through RedisStore?

2) It looks like session data is saved only in cookies. How can I keep track of user information from page to page if someone has cookies turned off?

Here is my applicable code:

//...hiding unapplicable code...
var redis = require('socket.io/node_modules/redis');
var client = redis.createClient();
var RedisStore = require('connect-redis')(express);
var redis_store = new RedisStore();
var cookieParser = express.cookieParser('secret');

  //...hiding unapplicable code...
  app.use(express.session({secret: 'secret', store: redis_store}));

//...hiding code that starts the server and socket.io

var SessionSockets = require('session.socket.io');
var ssockets = new SessionSockets(io, redis_store, cookieParser);

  io.set('authorization', function(handshake, callback){
      //var cookie = parseCookie(handshake.headers.cookie);
      //  handshake.user = cookie.user;
    callback(null, true);

ssockets.on('connection', function(err, socket, session){ ... });
like image 535
Aust Avatar asked Oct 09 '12 13:10


1 Answers

Have a look at socket.io's wiki. Especially the parts Configuring Socket.IO and Authorization and handshaking.

It shows how to use socket.io with a RedisStore and gives two different authorization methods.

More information about connecting express v3, redis and socket.io

  • connect issue#588
  • socket.io and express 3
  • session.socket.io module
  • socket.io-express library
like image 62
zemirco Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 11:10
