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useQuery returns undefined, But returns data on gql playground

"@apollo/react-hooks": "^3.1.3",
"apollo-client": "^2.6.8",

Apollo client return undefined on react app but return the data on gql playground, I don't understand why don't it works on client-side but works on graphql playground.


I have defined union for user query for error handling.

type Query {
  user(id: ID!): UserReturn!

union UserReturn = User | Error

type User {
  id: ID!
  username: String!
  email: String
  profileUrl: String
  createdAt: Date
  ads: [Doc!]!

type Error {
  message: String
  code: ID

Query resolver

 async user(_, { id }, { User }) {
    console.log('query - User')
    try {
      await delay(1000 * 3)
      const user = await User.findById(id).populate('userData')
      if (!user) return {
        __typename: 'Error',
        message: 'User not found.',
        code: id

      const { _id: id, username, email, createdAt, userData: { profileUrl } } = user

      return {
        __typename: 'User',
    } catch (err) {
      return {
        __typename: 'Error',
        message: 'Something went wrong while getting user.',
        code: LogBack(err, `query/user?id=${id}`, __filename)

When querying on gql playground

on graphql playground, query works.

Screenshot from 2020-01-25 23-44-01_censored

On the client-side

 const { data } = useQuery(
    gql`query user($id: ID!) {
      user(id: $id) {
        ... on User {
          # ads
        ... on Error {
      variables: {
        id: userId

  console.log(data) // undefined

useQuery runs but returns undefiend.

like image 203
U.A Avatar asked Jan 26 '20 17:01


People also ask

Why is useQuery returning undefined?

useQuery can return undefined because: Generally, on the first render cycle, data will be undefined because well, the data is async and does not exist yet on the frontend. The component will render in the loading state in this case with the isLoading flag set to true .

Can GraphQL return undefined?

Of course, because GraphQL requests are asynchronous, data will be undefined until the request completes so your code needs to reflect that fact as well.

How do you use useQuery in react?

The useQuery hook is the primary API for executing queries in a React application. We run a query within a React component by calling useQuery and passing it our GraphQL query string. This makes running queries from React components a breeze.

1 Answers

something that might help, you know where you call {data} you can also look for error and console.log('Error:',error)

check the apollo client query docs

something like this , and look at the error message, it should help !

import { useQuery } from '@apollo/react-hooks';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';

const GET_GREETING = gql`
  query getGreeting($language: String!) {
    greeting(language: $language) {

function Hello() {
    const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(GET_GREETING, {
    variables: { language: 'english' },
  if (loading) return 'Loading...';
  if (error) return `Error! ${error.message}`;
  return <h1>Hello {data.greeting.message}!</h1>;
like image 192
Marc-Antoine Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10
