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Simpler way to put PDB breakpoints in Python code?




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How do you set a breakpoint in Python pdb?

It's easy to set a breakpoint in Python code to i.e. inspect the contents of variables at a given line. Add import pdb; pdb. set_trace() at the corresponding line in the Python code and execute it. The execution will stop at the breakpoint.

How do I use pdb debugger in Python?

Starting Python Debugger To start debugging within the program just insert import pdb, pdb. set_trace() commands. Run your script normally and execution will stop where we have introduced a breakpoint. So basically we are hard coding a breakpoint on a line below where we call set_trace().

How do you set breakpoints in code?

To set a breakpoint in source code, click in the far left margin next to a line of code. You can also select the line and press F9, select Debug > Toggle Breakpoint, or right-click and select Breakpoint > Insert breakpoint.

What is a breakpoint in Python code?

The Python breakpoint() built-in function is a tool that allows developers to set points in code at which a debugger is called. By default, this function results in an instantiation of Python's native debugger class.

You can run your program into pdb from the command line by running

python -m pdb your_script.py

It will break on the 1st line, then you'll be able to add a breakpoint wherever you want in your code using the break command, its syntax is:

b(reak) [[filename:]lineno | function[, condition]]

It is flexible enough to give you the ability to add a breakpoint anywhere.

You can use:

from pdb import set_trace as bp


In vim, I have a macro set up for this (in my .vimrc file):

map <silent> <leader>b oimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()<esc>
map <silent> <leader>B Oimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()<esc>

so I can just press \b (when not in Insert Mode) and it adds in a breakpoint after the current line, or \B (note the capital) and it puts one before the current line.

which seems to work alright. Most other 'simple' programmers editors (emacs, sublimetext, etc) should have similar easy ways to do this.

Edit: I actually have:

au FileType python map <silent> <leader>b oimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()<esc>
au FileType python map <silent> <leader>B Oimport pdb; pdb.set_trace()<esc>

which turns it on only for python source files. You could very easily add similar lines for javascript or whatever other languages you use.

2019 Update (Python 3.7+)**

Python 3.7+ now has the builtin breakpoint() which can replace the previous import pdb; pdb.set_trace() in vim. It still works the same.

2021 Update

So I'm doing a lot of django these days, I'm using the ipdb debugger also, with some javascript and some HTML templating, so now have:

function InsertDebug()
    if &filetype == "python"
        execute "normal! oimport ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()\<esc>"
    elseif &filetype == "javascript"
        execute "normal! odebugger;\<esc>"
    elseif &filetype == "html" || &filetype == "htmldjango"
        execute "normal! o{% load debugger_tags %}{{ page\|ipdb }}\<esc>4bcw"
        echoerr "Unknown filetype - cannot insert breakpoint"
nmap <leader>b <esc>:call InsertDebug()<CR>

so I get either the ipdb breakpoint, or other language breakpoints in those languages. Then this is easily extendible to other languages too. I think it would be possible to use better autocommands to do this - but I couldn't get it to work as reliably as this.

I haven't tried it yet but they just implemented a new built-in called breakpoint() in Python 3.7 which means you can insert a breakpoint with one statement now:


If you don't want to manually set breakpoints every time running the program (in Python 3.2+), e.g. say you want to directly create a breakpoint at line 3 and stop the execution there:

python -m pdb -c "b 3" -c c your_script.py

The following information may help:

If a file .pdbrc exists in the user’s home directory or in the current directory, it is read in and executed as if it had been typed at the debugger prompt. This is particularly useful for aliases. If both files exist, the one in the home directory is read first and aliases defined there can be overridden by the local file.

Changed in version 3.2: .pdbrc can now contain commands that continue debugging, such as continue or next. Previously, these commands had no effect.

New in version 3.2: pdb.py now accepts a -c option that executes commands as if given in a .pdbrc file, see Debugger Commands.

  • Source: https://docs.python.org/3.2/library/pdb.html

This is how you would use pdb in the command line without implementing anything in your source code (the documentation and other online resources don't do a good job explaining this to a programmer who has only used visual debuggers in the past):

Start pdb by typing the following in a shell prompt:

python -m pdb 'python_script'

This command initializes pdb and the pdb debugger will break at the first line of your python_script and wait for an input from you:


This is the interface for communicating with the debugger. Now, you can specify your commands here. Opposed to using buttons or keyboard shortcuts in visual debuggers, here you will use commands to derive the same results.

You can go to the next line in your code by command "n" (next):

(Pdb) n

Performing a next would display the line number, and the specific code in the source:

> python_script(line number)method name
-> current line in the source code

You can set a breakpoint by specifying a line number in your source code.

(Pdb) b 50

Here, the debugger is set to break at line 50. If there aren't any other breakpoints, the breakpoint at line 50 will be the first and it could be referenced by the breakpoint id which is 1 in this case. If you add more break points they will get identifiers sequentially (i.e., 2, 3 etc.)

Once a breakpoint is set, you would continue executing your program until pdb gets to the breakpoint as follows:

(Pdb) c

Once you get to a breakpoint you could go to the next line, with the n command as described before. If you want to examine the values of variables, you would execute the parameter command as follows:

(Pdb) p variable_name

If you no longer need a breakpoint, you can clear it by passing in the id of the breakpoint with the clear command:

(Pdb) clear 1

Finally, when you are done with the debugger you can exit the execution as you would exit the python command line interpreter.

(Pdb) exit()

I hope this will help anybody get started with pdb. Here is a list of commands you can use with the debugger: pdb so question and answers

Python 3.7 has a new builtin way of setting breakpoints. Calling


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