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Simple wrapping of C code with cython

I have a number of C functions, and I would like to call them from python. cython seems to be the way to go, but I can't really find an example of how exactly this is done. My C function looks like this:

void calculate_daily ( char *db_name, int grid_id, int year,                        double *dtmp, double *dtmn, double *dtmx,                         double *dprec, double *ddtr, double *dayl,                         double *dpet, double *dpar ) ; 

All I want to do is to specify the first three parameters (a string and two integers), and recover 8 numpy arrays (or python lists. All the double arrays have N elements). My code assumes that the pointers are pointing to an already allocated chunk of memory. Also, the produced C code ought to link to some external libraries.

like image 578
Jose Avatar asked Jun 15 '10 14:06


People also ask

Does Cython generate C code?

The Basics of CythonThe Cython compiler will convert it into C code which makes equivalent calls to the Python/C API. But Cython is much more than that, because parameters and variables can be declared to have C data types.

How do you write Cython code?

To make your Python into Cython, first you need to create a file with the . pyx extension rather than the . py extension. Inside this file, you can start by writing regular Python code (note that there are some limitations in the Python code accepted by Cython, as clarified in the Cython docs).

How fast is Cython compared to C?

Calling the Cython function is faster than calling a Python function call, it's true. But even 30 nanoseconds is rather slow by the standards of compiled languages: for comparison, a C function called by another C function might take only 3 nanoseconds, or much less if it gets inlined.

Does Cython make code faster?

Cython will get you good speedups on almost any raw Python code, without too much extra effort at all. The key thing to note is that the more loops you're going through, and the more data you're crunching, the more Cython can help.

2 Answers

Here's a tiny but complete example of passing numpy arrays to an external C function, logically

fc( int N, double* a, double* b, double* z )  # z = a + b 

using Cython. (This is surely well-known to those who know it well. Comments are welcome. Last change: 23 Feb 2011, for Cython 0.14.)

First read or skim Cython build and Cython with NumPy .

2 steps:

  • python f-setup.py build_ext --inplace
    turns f.pyx and fc.cpp -> f.so, a dynamic library
  • python test-f.py
    import f loads f.so; f.fpy( ... ) calls the C fc( ... ).

python f-setup.py uses distutils to run cython, compile and link:
cython f.pyx -> f.cpp
compile f.cpp and fc.cpp
link f.o fc.o -> f.so, a dynamic lib that python import f will load.

For students, I'd suggest: make a diagram of these steps, look through the files below, then download and run them.

(distutils is a huge, convoluted package used to make Python packages for distribution, and install them. Here we're using just a small part of it to compile and link to f.so. This step has nothing to do with Cython, but it can be confusing; simple mistakes in a .pyx can cause pages of obscure error messages from g++ compile and link. See also distutils doc and/or SO questions on distutils .)

Like make, setup.py will rerun cython f.pyx and g++ -c ... f.cpp if f.pyx is newer than f.cpp.
To cleanup, rm -r build/ .

An alternative to setup.py would be to run the steps separately, in a script or Makefile:
cython --cplus f.pyx -> f.cpp # see cython -h
g++ -c ... f.cpp -> f.o
g++ -c ... fc.cpp -> fc.o
cc-lib f.o fc.o -> dynamic library f.so.
Modify the cc-lib-mac wrapper below for your platform and installation: it's not pretty, but small.

For real examples of Cython wrapping C, look at .pyx files in just about any SciKit .

See also: Cython for NumPy users and SO questions/tagged/cython .

To unpack the following files, cut-paste the lot to one big file, say cython-numpy-c-demo, then in Unix (in a clean new directory) run sh cython-numpy-c-demo.

#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >f.pyx <<\! # f.pyx: numpy arrays -> extern from "fc.h" # 3 steps: # cython f.pyx  -> f.c # link: python f-setup.py build_ext --inplace  -> f.so, a dynamic library # py test-f.py: import f gets f.so, f.fpy below calls fc()  import numpy as np cimport numpy as np  cdef extern from "fc.h":      int fc( int N, double* a, double* b, double* z )  # z = a + b  def fpy( N,     np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=1] A,     np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=1] B,     np.ndarray[np.double_t,ndim=1] Z ):     """ wrap np arrays to fc( a.data ... ) """     assert N <= len(A) == len(B) == len(Z)     fcret = fc( N, <double*> A.data, <double*> B.data, <double*> Z.data )         # fcret = fc( N, A.data, B.data, Z.data )  grr char*     return fcret  !  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >fc.h <<\! // fc.h: numpy arrays from cython , double*  int fc( int N, const double a[], const double b[], double z[] ); !  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >fc.cpp <<\! // fc.cpp: z = a + b, numpy arrays from cython  #include "fc.h" #include <stdio.h>  int fc( int N, const double a[], const double b[], double z[] ) {     printf( "fc: N=%d a[0]=%f b[0]=%f \n", N, a[0], b[0] );     for( int j = 0;  j < N;  j ++ ){         z[j] = a[j] + b[j];     }     return N; } !  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >f-setup.py <<\! # python f-setup.py build_ext --inplace #   cython f.pyx -> f.cpp #   g++ -c f.cpp -> f.o #   g++ -c fc.cpp -> fc.o #   link f.o fc.o -> f.so  # distutils uses the Makefile distutils.sysconfig.get_makefile_filename() # for compiling and linking: a sea of options.  # http://docs.python.org/distutils/introduction.html # http://docs.python.org/distutils/apiref.html  20 pages ... # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/distutils+python  import numpy from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext # from Cython.Build import cythonize  ext_modules = [Extension(     name="f",     sources=["f.pyx", "fc.cpp"],         # extra_objects=["fc.o"],  # if you compile fc.cpp separately     include_dirs = [numpy.get_include()],  # .../site-packages/numpy/core/include     language="c++",         # libraries=         # extra_compile_args = "...".split(),         # extra_link_args = "...".split()     )]  setup(     name = 'f',     cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},     ext_modules = ext_modules,         # ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules)  ? not in 0.14.1     # version=     # description=     # author=     # author_email=     )  # test: import f !  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >test-f.py <<\! #!/usr/bin/env python # test-f.py  import numpy as np import f  # loads f.so from cc-lib: f.pyx -> f.c + fc.o -> f.so  N = 3 a = np.arange( N, dtype=np.float64 ) b = np.arange( N, dtype=np.float64 ) z = np.ones( N, dtype=np.float64 ) * np.NaN  fret = f.fpy( N, a, b, z ) print "fpy -> fc z:", z  !  #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat >cc-lib-mac <<\! #!/bin/sh me=${0##*/} case $1 in "" )     set --  f.cpp fc.cpp ;;  # default: g++ these -h* | --h* )     echo " $me [g++ flags] xx.c yy.cpp zz.o ...     compiles .c .cpp .o files to a dynamic lib xx.so "     exit 1 esac  # Logically this is simple, compile and link, # but platform-dependent, layers upon layers, gloom, doom  base=${1%.c*} base=${base%.o} set -x  g++ -dynamic -arch ppc \     -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup \     -fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -fno-common -DNDEBUG `# -g` -fwrapv \     -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk \     -I/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/include/python2.6 \     -I${Pysite?}/numpy/core/include \     -O2 -Wall \     "$@" \     -o $base.so  # undefs: nm -gpv $base.so | egrep '^ *U _+[^P]' !  # 23 Feb 2011 13:38 
like image 126
denis Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10


The following Cython code from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.cython.user/5625 doesn't require explicit casts and also handles non-continous arrays:

def fpy(A):     cdef np.ndarray[np.double_t, ndim=2, mode="c"] A_c     A_c = np.ascontiguousarray(A, dtype=np.double)     fc(&A_c[0,0]) 
like image 41
Nikratio Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 09:10
