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GroupBy column and filter rows with maximum value in Pyspark

I am almost certain this has been asked before, but a search through stackoverflow did not answer my question. Not a duplicate of [2] since I want the maximum value, not the most frequent item. I am new to pyspark and trying to do something really simple: I want to groupBy column "A" and then only keep the row of each group that has the maximum value in column "B". Like this:

df_cleaned = df.groupBy("A").agg(F.max("B")) 

Unfortunately, this throws away all other columns - df_cleaned only contains the columns "A" and the max value of B. How do I instead keep the rows? ("A", "B", "C"...)

like image 801
Thomas Avatar asked Feb 16 '18 15:02


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1 Answers

You can do this without a udf using a Window.

Consider the following example:

import pyspark.sql.functions as f data = [     ('a', 5),     ('a', 8),     ('a', 7),     ('b', 1),     ('b', 3) ] df = sqlCtx.createDataFrame(data, ["A", "B"]) df.show() #+---+---+ #|  A|  B| #+---+---+ #|  a|  5| #|  a|  8| #|  a|  7| #|  b|  1| #|  b|  3| #+---+---+ 

Create a Window to partition by column A and use this to compute the maximum of each group. Then filter out the rows such that the value in column B is equal to the max.

from pyspark.sql import Window w = Window.partitionBy('A') df.withColumn('maxB', f.max('B').over(w))\     .where(f.col('B') == f.col('maxB'))\     .drop('maxB')\     .show() #+---+---+ #|  A|  B| #+---+---+ #|  a|  8| #|  b|  3| #+---+---+ 

Or equivalently using pyspark-sql:

df.registerTempTable('table') q = "SELECT A, B FROM (SELECT *, MAX(B) OVER (PARTITION BY A) AS maxB FROM table) M WHERE B = maxB" sqlCtx.sql(q).show() #+---+---+ #|  A|  B| #+---+---+ #|  b|  3| #|  a|  8| #+---+---+ 
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pault Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 18:10
