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Simple way to have the GHC API for application deployed on Windows

I want to deploy an application on Windows that needs to access the GHC API. Using the first simple example from the Wiki:


results in the following error (compiled on one machine with haskell platform and executed on another clean windows install): test.exe: can't find a package database at C:\haskell\lib\package.conf.d

I'd like to deploy my application as a simple zip file and not require the user to have anything installed. Is there a straightforward way to include the needed GHC things in that zip file so it will work?

like image 444
mentics Avatar asked Mar 18 '11 17:03


1 Answers

This program will copy necessary files to the specified directory (will work only on windows):

import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import GHC.Paths (libdir)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath 
import System.Cmd

main = do
  [to] <- getArgs
  let libdir' = to </> "lib"
  createDirectoryIfMissing True libdir'
  copy libdir libdir'
  rawSystem "xcopy"
    [ "/e", "/q"
    , dropFileName libdir </> "mingw"
    , to </> "mingw\\"]

-- | skip some files while copying
uselessFile f
  = or $ map (`isSuffixOf` f)
    [ "."
    , "_debug.a"
    , "_p.a", ".p_hi"    -- libraries built with profiling
    , ".dyn_hi", ".dll"] -- dynamic libraries

copy from to
  = getDirectoryContents from
  >>= mapM_ copy' . filter (not . uselessFile)
    copy' f = do
      let (from', to') = (from </> f, to </> f)
      isDir <- doesDirectoryExist from'
      if isDir
          then createDirectory to' >> copy from' to'
          else copyFile from' to'

After running it with destination directory as argument you will have a local copy of lib and mingw (about 300 Mb total).

You can remove unused libraries from lib to save more space.

like image 200
max taldykin Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

max taldykin