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Simple way to automatically convert INSERT statements to UPDATEs?

I want to use the output of mysqldump to update entries in a live database. I don't want to delete the entries first, simple update statements are fine. Is there a simple way to convert the output of mysqldump which contains INSERT statements to the corresponding UPDATE statements?

It seems such a basic feature, so I'm sure someone created a tool or came up with a method to do it quickly, so people don't have to reinvent the wheel all the time by everyone writing their own scripts for this.

Edit: I'm looking for a generic solution, not one where I have to enumerate the actual table columns by hand. It's a generic problem, so I think there should be a table independent solution for it.

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Tom Avatar asked Oct 27 '10 15:10


People also ask

How do I combine INSERT and update in a single query?

You can update existing data and insert new data in a single operation by using the MERGE statement. For example, an application might request a set of rows from a database, enable a user to modify the data through a GUI, and then store the modified data in the database.

How do you automatically INSERT data in SQL?

Steps To Auto Generate INSERT StatementsIn SSMS Object Explorer, right-click the database. From the right-click menu, go to Tasks >> Generate Scripts... In the Generate and Publish Scripts pop-up window, press Next to choose objects screen.

Can we use INSERT instead of update?

No. Insert will only create a new row.

4 Answers

You could restore the mysqldump data to a new temporary database, then use the multi-table UPDATE syntax to do the update.

UPDATE mydb.mytable AS dest JOIN tempdb.mytable AS origin USING (prim_key)
SET dest.col1 = origin.col1,
    dest.col2 = origin.col2,

Then drop the temp database.

like image 161
Bill Karwin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Bill Karwin

Mchl's answer is valid another easy fix would be change 'INSERT' to 'REPLACE'. Both require a simple search / replace operation (I'd use sed). But if this were being run regularly then it would be a good candidate for replication / using timestamps to create a loader file only containing the modified/new records.

mysldump also has a --replace option, so the sed step can be omitted.

like image 36
symcbean Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10


It's a matter of adding ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause


like image 6
Mchl Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10


I couldn't believe nobody created a simple tool to convert a set of INSERT lines into a set of UPDATE commands. So I made one of my own. You can test it in this fiddle, where you have input and output text boxes.

WARNING! This is not fail-proof, there are a bunch of assumptions. For example, it can fail if you have commas in your values.

I also assume that the first field is a unique key.

function substrBetween(str,before,after){
    var arr = str.split(before);
    str = arr.join(before);
    arr = str.split(after);
    str = arr.shift();
    return str;

var insertQuery = $('#query').val();

var lines = insertQuery.split('\n');
var header = lines[0];
var tableName = substrBetween(header,"INTO `","`");
var varNames = substrBetween(header,"(`","`)").split("`, `");

var out = "";
for (i=1; i<lines.length; i++){
  var line = lines[i];
  if (line[line.length -1] == ";"){
    line = line.slice(0, -1) + ',';
  var values = substrBetween(line,"(","),").split(", ");
  out += "UPDATE `"+tableName+"` SET ";
  for (j=1; j<values.length; j++){
    out += "`"+varNames[j]+"`="+values[j]+", ";
  out = out.slice(0, out.length-2);
  out += " WHERE `"+varNames[0]+"`="+values[0]+";\n";
return out;

Example INPUT:

INSERT INTO `devices` (`name`, `idGroup1`, `idGroup2`, `label`) VALUES
('3703-001', 16, 5, 'Meter BB #1'),
('3703-002', 12, 8, 'Meter CC #2'),
('3703-003', 12, 0, 'Meter #3'),
('3703-004', 12, 24, 'Meter building F');

Corresponding OUTPUT:

UPDATE `devices` SET `idGroup1`=16, `idGroup2`=5, `label`='Meter BB #1' WHERE `name`='3703-001';
UPDATE `devices` SET `idGroup1`=12, `idGroup2`=8, `label`='Meter CC #2' WHERE `name`='3703-002';
UPDATE `devices` SET `idGroup1`=12, `idGroup2`=0, `label`='Meter #3' WHERE `name`='3703-003';
UPDATE `devices` SET `idGroup1`=12, `idGroup2`=24, `label`='Meter building F' WHERE `name`='3703-004';
like image 3
Kar.ma Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
