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Silverstripe $many_many relationship with an attribute on the relationship



When adding a many_many relationship much like the projects to mentors relationship in the silverstripe guide:


I'd like to record an attribute against the relationship. So for example "active" - yes /no field for the mentor on the project. But the mentor might have a different value for active for different projects she is related to.

Whats the best way to achieve this with Silverstripe's built in tools?

UPDATE with some help from IRC & the answer below. ive gotten a bit closer, bit its not working. Ive found this: https://github.com/chillu/silverstripe-framework/blob/c8136f5d4c8a37a4da274cd1c93907c0a2af86a7/docs/en/reference/grid-field.md which seems very relevant.

so DebatePages have many_many panelists who can vote differently on each debate.


  private static $many_many = array(
    'Panelists'     => 'Panelist',
    'RelationTags'  => 'Tag'
  public static $many_many_extraFields = array(
    'Panelists' => array('Motion' => 'Boolean')

public function getCMSFields() {
    if($this->ID) {
            $panelistFields = singleton('Panelist')->getCMSFields();
                // Please follow the "ManyMany[<extradata-name>]" convention
                new TextField('ManyMany[Motion]', 'Agree with Motion')
            $config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create();
            $gridField = new GridField('Panelists', 'Panelists', $this->Panelists(), $config);
            $fields->findOrMakeTab('Root.Panelists')->replaceField('Panelist', $gridField);
like image 995
Will Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 01:07


2 Answers

you could use $many_many_extraFields on the $many_many relation, like this (here on the Project class I guess):

static $many_many = array(
    'Mentors' => 'Mentor'

static $many_many_extraFields = array(
    'Mentors' => array(
        'Active' => 'Boolean'

Then for each Project a specific Mentor can be active or not (you can always add other fields than 'Active'...).

If you are using SS 3.1 you can have those extra fields edited easily via a GridField with the GridFieldDetailForm component:

function getCMSFields(){


    $detailFormFields = new FieldList();
    $detailFormFields->push( new CheckBoxField(
        'Is Mentor active?'
    $detailFormFields->push( new TextField(
        'Some other title'
    $config = new GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor();

    $f = new GridField('Mentors', 'Mentors', $this->Mentors(), $config);
    //push() or addFieldToTab() $f to CMSFields



Doc on this is here: http://doc.silverstripe.com/framework/en/3.1/reference/grid-field#customizing-detail-forms

And when retrieving the data in your code, you can use the getExtraData($componentName, $itemID) method on the ManyManyList to retrieve those extra fields values: http://api.silverstripe.org/3.1/source-class-ManyManyList.html#178-210

like image 88
colymba Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10


(See: SS3.1 - http://api.silverstripe.org/3.1/class-CheckboxSetField.html)

Try this:

private static $many_many = array(
    'Mentors' => 'Mentor'
$mentors = Mentor::get();   
$mentorFields = new CheckboxSetField(    
$fields->addFieldToTab('Root.Mentors', $mentorFields);
like image 27
StripeLabs Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 17:10
