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Setting a title for the sort column with $summary_fields



I want to set a column title for the sort column (in $summary_fields) for a GridField.

I can't seem to do something like:

static $summary_fields = array('Reorder' => 'Sort');

Although I can use the $summary_fields method to change the order of the columns, I can't use it to set a title for the sort column.

I am using the GridFieldOrderableRows component from the SilverStripe Grid Field Extensions Module.

GridField column title screenshot example

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helenclarko Avatar asked Jul 17 '16 22:07


1 Answers

This is now possible. We can set the column heading by setting the Reorder label in the $field_labels variable:

private static $field_labels = array(
    'Reorder' => 'Sort'
like image 152
3dgoo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
