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Silverlight 4 and XBAP

I am just curoius to know whether silverlight 4 is going to replace XBAP completly!. Like Full trust XBAP, Can we do everything with current Silverlight 4?. Any comments?.

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Manohar Avatar asked Nov 20 '09 15:11


1 Answers

Technically its not a replacement. XBAP delivers the full richeness of WPF and the .NET Framework still missing from Silverlight even when elevate Privs are enabled.

However, IMO, Silverlight 4 would appear to deliver enough to give those who might have considered XBAP pause for thought. To the degree where I would expect that whilst XBAP would continue to be supported it would get sidelined.

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AnthonyWJones Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 01:12
