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Signup or Invitation Email Verification w/o Database

I'd like to keep my database clean of stale almost-accounts, and I was thinking about making new signups and invitations put their data into the welcome email as an encrypted or hashed url. Once the link in the url is visited, the information is then added into the database as an account. Is there something that currently does this? Any references, thoughts, or warnings about doing user registration this way? Thanks!

Edit: I've made a working example, and the url is 127 characters.


Obviously, more data = larger url

def create
# Write k keys in params[:user] as v keys in to_encrypt, doing this saves LOTS of unnecessary chars
  @to_encrypt = Hash.new
  {:firstname => :fn,:lastname => :ln,:email => :el,:username => :un,:password => :pd}.each do |k,v|
    @to_encrypt[v] = params[:user][k]

  encrypted_params = CGI::escape(Base64.encode64(encrypt(compress(Marshal.dump(@to_encrypt)), "secret")))


def aes(m,t,k)
  (aes = OpenSSL::Cipher::Cipher.new('aes-256-cbc').send(m)).key = Digest::SHA256.digest(k)
  aes.update(t) << aes.final

def encrypt(text, key)
  aes(:encrypt, text, key)

def decrypt(text, key)
  aes(:decrypt, text, key)

# All attempts to compress returned a longer url (Bypassed by return)

def compress(string)
  return string
  z = Zlib::Deflate.new(Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION)
  o = z.deflate(string,Zlib::FINISH)

def decompress(string)
  return string
  z = Zlib::Inflate.new
  o = z.inflate(string)
like image 359
Blaine Avatar asked Sep 05 '09 08:09


1 Answers


  • Use true asymmetric cypher for the "cookie" to prevent bots creating accounts. Encrypt the "cookie" using public key, verify it by decoding with private key.
    Rationale: If only a base64 or other algorithm was used for encoding the cookie, it would be easy to reverse-engineer the scheme and create accounts automatically. This is undesirable because of spambots. Also, if the account is password protected, the password would have to appear in the cookie. Anyone with access to the registration link would be able not only to activate the account, but also to figure out the password.

  • Require re-entry of the password after activation through the link.
    Rationale: Depending on the purpose of the site you may want to improve the protection against information spoofing. Re-entering the password after activation protects against stolen/spoofed activation links.

  • When verifying the activation link, make sure the account created by it is not created already.

  • How do you protect against two users simultaneously creating an account with the same name?
    Possible answer: Use email as the login identifier and don't require unique account name.

  • Verify the email first, than continue account creation.
    Rationale: This will minimize the information you need to send in the cookie.

like image 71
3 revs Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

3 revs