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SignalR or NodeJS/Socket.IO? [duplicate]

I want to develop a real-time application with C# and MVC3. I used Socket.IO in several projects but now, I see some good news about SignalR and some guys says that SignalR could be a good alternative for Socket.IO...

I want to know is there any problem or bugs with SingalR and is this a good choice to move from Socket.IO to SignalR?

Thanks in advance

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Afshin Mehrabani Avatar asked Jul 11 '12 10:07

Afshin Mehrabani

People also ask

What is the difference between SignalR and WebSockets?

WebSockets is actually the underlying transport that SignalR uses, at least most of the time. SignalR has the ability to fall back to other ways of transporting messages, such as long-polling over HTTP. This is useful in situations where you don't have WebSockets support.

Which is best WebSocket or SignalR?

For most applications, we recommend SignalR over raw WebSockets. SignalR provides transport fallback for environments where WebSockets isn't available. It also provides a basic remote procedure call app model. And in most scenarios, SignalR has no significant performance disadvantage compared to using raw WebSockets.

Which is better Socket.IO or WS?

Both WebSocket vs Socket.io are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major Difference Between WebSocket vs Socket.io: It provides the Connection over TCP, while Socket.io is a library to abstract the WebSocket connections. WebSocket doesn't have fallback options, while Socket.io supports fallback.

Is SignalR a Socket?

SignalR is like Socket.IO in that it supports transport negotiation/fallback. It is a framework and not a server, so you need to host it on a server of some sort. We have hosts for ASP.NET, OWIN (e.g. Kayak) and self-host, so you can run it in your own process easily, e.g. a Windows service.

1 Answers

The benefit of using SignalR in your case is it's a complete client-side and server-side solution with JS on client and ASP.NET on the back end.

But you can see their are some opened issues: https://github.com/SignalR/SignalR/issues

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CD.. Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 20:09
