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couchdb custom authentication handler

I have to admit that I am fairly new to this topic, especially new to erlang. Currently, I am trying to play around with the various authentication handlers - goal is to have a working "delegated authentication" on facebook, twitter and such.

  1. As far as I understood the oAuth implementation of couchdb is just the opposite of what I need. You can use that to create tokens for couch-users, but not to accept twitter accessTokens/secrets and map that to a couch user.
  2. I found exactly what I need in datacouch - authentication against twitter with nodejs, and after that getting the plaintext password from a private couch and use it with _session-API to create a couch cookie.

Now I am trying to avoid storing the plaintext passwords. I heard about to use proxy_authentification_handler, but it seems I am either too unexperiences or even too stupid to use it. I made the (as far as I understood) correct entries in couch_httpd_auth

couch_httpd_auth    auth_cache_size         50
                    authentication_db       _users
                    authentication_redirect /_utils/session.html
                    require_valid_user      false
                    proxy_use_secret        false
                    secret                  xxxxxxxxxxxx
                    timeout                 43200 
                    x_auth_roles            roles
                    x_auth_token            token
                    x_auth_username         uname

and also in section httpd

httpd               allow_jsonp             true
                    authentication_handlers {couch_httpd_auth, proxy_authentification_handler},{couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}
                    default_handler         {couch_httpd_db, handle_request} 
                    port                    5984
                    secure_rewrites         false
                    vhost_global_handlers   _utils, _uuids, _session, _oauth, _users

As also mentioned in the comments in the docs i set proxy_use_secret to false (for the first steps) to allow authentication without access token.

When I now do a GET on http://localhost:5984/_utils/config.html?uname=user1&roles=user that seems not to affect anything...

Anybody ever got that thing running? Am I missing something? Or is there any chance to implement a custom authentication handler without coding erlang?

Thanks a lot for your help

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sapien99 Avatar asked Feb 23 '12 18:02


1 Answers

The URL parameter isn't doing anything. When you look at the original bug you will see that the username and roles are passed not by the URL but HTTP headers:

  • X-Auth-CouchDB-UserName : username, (x_auth_username in couch_httpd_auth section)
  • X-Auth-CouchDB-Roles : user roles, list of roles separated by a comma (x_auth_roles in couch_httpd_auth section)
  • X-Auth-CouchDB-Token : token to authenticate the authorization (x_auth_token in couch_httpd_auth section). This token is an hmac-sha1 created from secret key and username. The secret key should be the same in the client and couchdb node. secret key is the secret key in couch_httpd_auth section of ini. This token is optional if secret key isn't defined.

Once you provide these header information authentication actually works as advertised.

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stwissel Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10
