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SignalR 2.0 .NET console client

I have my server console app:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string url = "http://localhost:8080";
        using (WebApp.Start(url))
            MyHub hub = new MyHub();
            Console.WriteLine("Server running on {0}", url);
            var key = Console.ReadLine();
            while (key != "quit")
                hub.Send("Server", key);

public class MyHub : Hub
    public void Send(string name, string message)
        var context = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<MyHub>();
        context.Clients.All.addMessage(name, message);
public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)

And my .NET client app

    static void Main(string[] args)


    static async Task MainAsync()

            var hubConnection = new HubConnection("http://localhost:8080/");
            //hubConnection.TraceLevel = TraceLevels.All;
            //hubConnection.TraceWriter = Console.Out;
            IHubProxy hubProxy = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");
            hubProxy.On("addMessage", data =>
                    Console.WriteLine("Incoming data: {0} {1}", data.name, data.message);
            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = 10;
            await hubConnection.Start();

        catch (Exception ex)


I do not get any error when running the client. However, nothing gets printed out on the console.

When I uncomment these 2 lines:

hubConnection.TraceLevel = TraceLevels.All;
hubConnection.TraceWriter = Console.Out;

I am able to see some trace outputs in the console

07:56:28.0121460 - 355ca933-de49-400b-b859-c9dde6361151 - WS: OnMessage({"C":"d-
07:56:28.0277722 - 355ca933-de49-400b-b859-c9dde6361151 - ChangeState(Connecting
, Connected)
07:56:33.4655493 - 355ca933-de49-400b-b859-c9dde6361151 - WS: OnMessage({"C":"d-
69A14839-B,1|C,0|D,1|E,0","M":[{"H":"MyHub","M":"addMessage","A":["Server","Hello World"]}]}
07:56:37.9657773 - 355ca933-de49-400b-b859-c9dde6361151 - WS: OnMessage({})
 07:56:47.9975354 - 355ca933-de49-400b-b859-c9dde6361151 - WS: OnMessage({})

"Server" and "Hello World" are the messages that are being sent from the server, so I guess the client is receiving the messages, just that I'm probably printing them out to the console the wrong way

Can anyone help?

Additional Info: I am able to receive the messages fine on my MVC application.

like image 554
Null Reference Avatar asked Mar 03 '14 08:03

Null Reference

People also ask

What platform does SignalR client supports?

Windows Desktop and Silverlight Applications In addition to running in a web browser, SignalR can be hosted in standalone Windows client or Silverlight applications.

What is SignalR client?

SignalR is a free and open-source software library for Microsoft ASP.NET that allows server code to send asynchronous notifications to client-side web applications. The library includes server-side and client-side JavaScript components.

1 Answers

Shouldn't you declare your hubProxy event handler as this?

hubProxy.On<string, string>("Send", (name, message) => 
   Console.WriteLine("Incoming data: {0} {1}", name, message);
like image 139
David Brabant Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

David Brabant