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Showing edittext obliquely in android

I have an EditText, which generally shows parallel to the screen X-axis. I want to show it obliquely (around 45 degree to horizontal axis). Is it possible to do this in Android. Please guide me in a direction so that I can try for it.

After getting the two links in the answer by pawelzeiba, I proceed a little bit in solving this, but stuck again so I put another question on this. here is the link.

As Gunnar Karisson said, there is a setRotation() method in View class introduced in Android 3.0, but I cannot use it as my application should work fro Android 2.1 version.

So please help me to solve this.

like image 680
Chandra Sekhar Avatar asked Jun 14 '12 12:06

Chandra Sekhar

2 Answers

EditText is an indirect subclass of View which has a rotation field you can set with setRotation(float):


like image 81
onosendai Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 14:11


After a long R & D, I succeed to solve this by creating my own custom edittext, which works perfectly as per my requirement.

public class CustomEditText extends EditText {

private Animation rotateAnim;
public CustomEditText(Context context) {

public CustomEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs){
    super(context, attrs);

private void createAnim(Canvas canvas) {
        rotateAnim = new RotateAnimation(0, -45, 250, 50);

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        // creates the animation the first time
        if (rotateAnim == null) {

like image 36
Chandra Sekhar Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 14:11

Chandra Sekhar