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Showing Custom image on Right of Push/Local Notification?

I received a notification from passbook app where i saved my movie ticket that i bought. The notification had 2 image on lock screen: On left it had icon of the original app from where i bought movie tickets and On right side it had image of the passbook ticket information. Check the screenshot below:

enter image description here

This notification is local and generated by Passbook app.

First i wanted to know how do we add custom image on right side which is not app icon and its a content generated later in app. I am looking to achieve this and hasn't got much info about it.

Second, IS this possible for Push notification too ? If yes ? Is there documentation where its mentioned ?

Edit: I just want to know can above screenshot i shared can be done ? Because Passbook is doing. I need the solution for that even if its just for Local Notification. Thanks.

like image 923
padam thapa Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 08:11

padam thapa

1 Answers

You should use Widget , which is a very good feature of iOS app. In widget you can use custom view in your application for Local Notification . So by using that widget you can show image on right side in notification , even in lockscreen

like image 105
Vatsal Raval Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Vatsal Raval