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Show WPF window from test unit




I am running a test unit (and learning about them). Quite simply, my unit creates a List and passes it to my MainWindow.

The issue I have is after I show() the main window the unit method ends. I want the unit to not finish until I close the MainWindow. This is what I've done (see below) - it obviously doesn't work and feels like I'm on the wrong path here. How can I do this properly?

    public class Logging
        bool continueOn = true;
        public void ShowLogs()

        private void ShowResults(List<Log> logList)
            MainWindow mw = new MainWindow(logList);
            mw.Closed += mw_Closed;  

            while (continueOn)
            { }

        void mw_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.continueOn = false;

        private List<Log> createLogList()
            List<Log> listLog = new List<Log>();
            return listLog;            

Maybe I have to put this onto a background worker thread and monitor that - to be honest I've no idea and before I waste hours, I'd appreciate some guidance.

like image 625
Dave Avatar asked Nov 14 '12 15:11


2 Answers

The WPF Window must be created and shown on a thread which supports the WPF window infrastructure (message pumping).

    public void TestMethod1()
        MainWindow window = null;

        // The dispatcher thread
        var t = new Thread(() =>
            window = new MainWindow();

            // Initiates the dispatcher thread shutdown when the window closes
            window.Closed += (s, e) => window.Dispatcher.InvokeShutdown();


            // Makes the thread support message pumping

        // Configure the thread

Note that:

  • The window must be created and shown inside the new thread.
  • You must initiate a dispatcher (System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run()) before the ThreadStart returns, otherwise the window will show and die soon after.
  • The thread must be configured to run in STA apartment.

For more information, visit this link.

like image 91
Arthur Nunes Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11

Arthur Nunes

Of course, since it is only for testing, using


may be an option instead of 'Show()'

like image 45
Dave Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 16:11
