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Show which git tag you are on?

People also ask

How do I list all tags?

Just type git tag (with optional -l or --list ). You can also search for tags that match a particular pattern. The command finds the most recent tag that is reachable from a commit. If the tag points to the commit, then only the tag is shown.

How do I know if my tags are annotated?

If the tag is an annotated tag, you'll see the message and the tag object, followed by the commit. If the tag is a lightweight tag, then you'll see only the commit object. If the current commit exactly matches that of a tag, then only the tag name is printed.

Where are my tags on GitHub?

Viewing tags On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. To the right of the list of files, click Releases. At the top of the Releases page, click Tags.

Edit: Jakub Narębski has more git-fu. The following much simpler command works perfectly:

git describe --tags

(Or without the --tags if you have checked out an annotated tag. My tag is lightweight, so I need the --tags.)

original answer follows:

git describe --exact-match --tags $(git log -n1 --pretty='%h')

Someone with more git-fu may have a more elegant solution...

This leverages the fact that git-log reports the log starting from what you've checked out. %h prints the abbreviated hash. Then git describe --exact-match --tags finds the tag (lightweight or annotated) that exactly matches that commit.

The $() syntax above assumes you're using bash or similar.

This worked for me git describe --tags --abbrev=0

Edit 2020: As mentioned by some of the comments below, this might, or might not work for you, so be careful!

Show all tags on current HEAD (or commit)

git tag --points-at HEAD

git describe is a porcelain command, which you should avoid:


Instead, I used:

git name-rev --tags --name-only $(git rev-parse HEAD)

When you check out a tag, you have what's called a "detached head". Normally, Git's HEAD commit is a pointer to the branch that you currently have checked out. However, if you check out something other than a local branch (a tag or a remote branch, for example) you have a "detached head" -- you're not really on any branch. You should not make any commits while on a detached head.

It's okay to check out a tag if you don't want to make any edits. If you're just examining the contents of files, or you want to build your project from a tag, it's okay to git checkout my_tag and work with the files, as long as you don't make any commits. If you want to start modifying files, you should create a branch based on the tag:

$ git checkout -b my_tag_branch my_tag

will create a new branch called my_tag_branch starting from my_tag. It's safe to commit changes on this branch.

git log --decorate

This will tell you what refs are pointing to the currently checked out commit.