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Show plots inside module in Mathematica

I want to show plots inside a module (maybe recursive):

m = Module[{i, j}, i = 3; Plot[Sin[t], {t, 0, 1}]; j = 4]


m = Module[{i, j}, i = 3; Show[Plot[Sin[t], {t, 0, 1}]]; j = 4]

not work. Why is this, and how to plot correctly?

like image 216
Qiang Li Avatar asked Dec 31 '11 06:12

Qiang Li

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What is Plot command in Mathematica?

The "Plot" command in MATHEMATICAThe basic command for sketching the graph of a real-valued function of one variable in MATHEMATICA is. Plot[ f, {x,xmin,xmax} ] which will draw the graph of y=f(x) over the closed interval [xmin,xmax] on the x-axis.

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1 Answers

The only reason a plot is normally displayed in Mathematica is that the Plot function returns the graphics object representing the plot, and Mathematica displays the return value of whatever you run in a notebook. However, when you follow the statement with a semicolon, you prevent it from returning a value.

What you can do if you need to display something from within the middle of a module is Print[Plot[...]];. The Print function displays the value of its argument directly.

like image 116
David Z Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 12:09

David Z