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Show loading indicator in Angular while waiting for a RxJS observable

I have an Angular component that listens for a route parameter for a user id to change and when it does it loads the user details. The user details takes a few seconds to return data from the API.

If i'm viewing details for User A and then click to view details on User B, it continues to show User A until User B details are returned a few seconds after my click. Is there a way I can show a loading indicator or just blank it out while it's retrieving data for User B?

User details component:

ngOnInit(): void {
  this.userDetails = this.route.paramMap.pipe(
    switchMap((params: ParamMap) => this.userService.getUserDetails(+params.get('userId')))

User details template:

<div *ngIf="userDetails | async as userDetails">
  <h1>{{userDetails.firstName}} {{userDetails.lastName}}</h1>

I would like the user details div to either be blank or show some sort of loading indicator if that inner switchMap is currently running. I know one option would be to have a loading variable that I set to true before the switchMap and false after the switchMap and use that in the *ngIf of the div, but I'm hoping there was a slicker way to not have to have loading variables for EVERY one of these situations.

I have an example StackBlitz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ng-busy-yxo1gu

The goal is when I click the User B button, User A information should disappear while User B is loading. I have dozens of this scenario in my app so I'm looking for the cleanest way to do this.

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Jeremy Avatar asked Dec 13 '18 18:12


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1 Answers

you can change your *ngIf

ngIf="userDetails | async as userDetails else #loading"


<div #loading>


like image 86
Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 10:10

Derviş Kayımbaşıoğlu