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Show empty lines in Intellisense comments

Before all I want to clarify that this question is about VB.NET, not C#, this question is not a duplicate because any solution worked from here How to add a line break in C# .NET documentation or Adding line breaks to comments for Intellisense (at least on VS2012).

I would like to add an empty line to display the Intellisense information like this:

Public Enum StringCase As Short

''' <summary>
''' LowerCase
''' (Empty line)
''' [Example]   + (line break)
''' Input : ABC + (line break)
''' Output: abc
''' </summary>
Lower = 0

End Enum


A test of the breakline tag on VS2012 Ultimate (with and without official updates), in Windows 8 x64, using light and dark theme.

enter image description here

like image 256
ElektroStudios Avatar asked Feb 14 '23 16:02


2 Answers

My first thought is to use


as this was available in VS2008 for the comments http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/5dce48f5-d810-46bd-bb9b-6d0478174cf2/xml-comments-how-to-insert-a-new-line?forum=csharpide

Have you looked at putting your comment inside a CDATA or similar to try and preserver the whitespace?


IIRC it's more of a formatting thing for the IDE however, I think a doc generation tool like Doxygen observes the whitespace

like image 174
finman Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 14:02


You can use HTML <br/> tag to create empty lines and make line breaks.

This works in C#

    /// <summary>
    /// LowerCase
    /// <br/><br/>
    /// [Example]<br/>
    /// Input<br/>
    /// Output<br/>
    /// </summary>

In VB it should like:

    ''' <summary>
    ''' LowerCase
    ''' <br/><br/>
    ''' [Example]<br/>
    ''' Input<br/>
    ''' Output<br/>
    ''' </summary>
like image 39
Humanier Avatar answered Feb 23 '23 12:02
