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Should std::bind be compatible with boost::asio?

I am trying to adapt one of the boost::asio examples to use c++11 / TR1 libraries where possible. The original code looks like this:

void start_accept() {    tcp_connection::pointer new_connection =     tcp_connection::create(acceptor_.get_io_service());    acceptor_.async_accept(new_connection->socket(),       boost::bind(&tcp_server::handle_accept, this, new_connection,          boost::asio::placeholders::error)); } 

If I replace boost::bind with std::bind as follows:

void start_accept() {    tcp_connection::pointer new_connection =     tcp_connection::create(acceptor_.get_io_service());    acceptor_.async_accept(new_connection->socket(),       std::bind(&tcp_server::handle_accept, this, new_connection,                  boost::asio::placeholders::error ) );       // std::bind(&tcp_server::handle_accept, this, new_connection, _1 ) ); } 

I get a large error message, with ends with:

/usr/include/c++/4.4/tr1_impl/functional:1137: error: return-statement with a value, in function returning 'void' 

I am using gcc version 4.4 with boost version 1.47

I expected boost::bind and std::bind to be interchangeable.

like image 309
mark Avatar asked Jan 19 '12 10:01


People also ask

Is std :: bind deprecated?

Yes: std::bind should be replaced by lambda For almost all cases, std::bind should be replaced by a lambda expression. It's idiomatic, and results in better code.

What is the use of boost bind?

Boost. Bind defines placeholders from _1 to _9. These placeholders tell boost::bind() to return a function object that expects as many parameters as the placeholder with the greatest number.

1 Answers

I now have a solution

The problem is that when I first tried to switch to std::bind and std::shared_ptr I was still using the boost::asio::placeholders with std::bind, this resulted in a large amount of template compiler errors, so I then tried to switch piecemeal.

I first tried switching just boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr, this failed because boost::bind will not work with std::shared_ptr with out a specialisation of the template get_pointer<typename T> for std::shared_ptr (see: How to resolve conflict between boost::shared_ptr and using std::shared_ptr?).

After switching to std::shared_ptr I then switched to std::bind, this time using the std::placeholders, (thanks richard) the example code now compiles and works correctly.

In order to use std::bind with boost::asio make sure that std::shared_ptr and the std::placeholders are also used.

like image 144
mark Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 22:10
