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Should properties in C# perform a lot of work? [closed]




When a property is read from or is assigned to, one would not expect it to perform a lot of work. When setSomeValue(...) and getSomeValue(...) methods are used instead, one should not be that surprised that something non-trivial might be going on under the hood. However, now that C# gave the world Properties, it seems silly to use getter and setter methods instead. What is your take on this? Should I mark this Q as a community wiki?



In my case it is not expensive to call, but it triggers setting a related property in another class and possibly writing a short message to a log file (if URL is blank). Is that too much work for a property? What is the alternative.

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Hamish Grubijan Avatar asked May 06 '10 22:05

Hamish Grubijan

People also ask

When should you use properties?

Consider using a property if the member represents a logical attribute of the type. Do use a property, rather than a method, if the value of the property is stored in the process memory and the property would just provide access to the value.

What are properties C?

Properties are the special type of class members that provides a flexible mechanism to read, write, or compute the value of a private field. Properties can be used as if they are public data members, but they are actually special methods called accessors.

Can properties be private?

Properties can be marked as public , private , protected , internal , protected internal , or private protected . These access modifiers define how users of the class can access the property.

Should I use fields or properties?

Fields are normal variable members of a class. Generally, you should declare your fields as private, then use Properties to get and set their values. By this way you won't affect their values them directly.

4 Answers

However, now that C# gave the world Properties, it seems silly to use getter and setter methods instead.

Before thinking about how expensive properties should be, I would advise you to think about whether the concept you are modeling is best represented as a "property of something". Properties exist in the language to express attribution of other entities - if SomeValue is not logically a property of the type it belongs to, then you should consider using getter/setter methods instead.

Should properties in C# perform a lot of work?

Having said that, it helps to make properties inexpensive when possible. Most developers expect properties to be efficient wrappers around some internal state of the type they belong to. Violating this expectation makes it harder for developers to write well performing code that uses the property. For example, if a property is used in as a condition of a for loop it will be evaluated on each iteration - if it's expensive ... well that can be bad.

Properties are also often accessed in the debugger - you don't want properties to perform expensive logic as this can inhibit debugging. Property getters that perform operations with side effects (like querying a database, for example) are generally a bad practice as well, because they can introduce heisenbugs when inspecting the behavior of an application in the debugger.

What is the alternative.

You may also want to read up on this answer which provides some good general guidelines for property design. I would also advise you to read Choosing Between Properties and Methods in the .NET design guidelines on MSDN.

Sometimes it makes sense to create a property which is read-only (no setter) but where one or more separate methods exist that set the internal state related to that property. Whether to use this idiom depends on whether the operations on your object are exposed semantically as "changing state" or "performing activity". When it's the latter, I tend to use methods (rather than property setters) to express this behavior.

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LBushkin Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10


The general rule of thumb is properties should not be expensive to call. If they are expensive to call, make them into a getter instead. This can't always be followed, you definitely need to use judgment.

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Matt Greer Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Matt Greer

The exact amount of too much work is debatable. The best answer is that properties should rather perform less work than more work :)

One thing that Get Properties should never do is to change the state of the object.

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Igor Zevaka Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Igor Zevaka

methods are used instead, one should not be that surprised that something non-trivial might be going on under the hood

due to Properties is just a syntactic sugar over exactly the same Set... and Get... methods (which produced by compiler when IL is made) - there is no any difference. If you would implement some logic in SetFoobar - do it in Foobar { set { ... } } too

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zerkms Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
