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Regex extract from string xx:xx:xx format




I am very new to programming and I have a question, I am trying to use Regex method to extract hours, minutes and seconds from a string and putting them into an array, but so far I can do it with only one number:

 int initialDay D = 0;
 string startDay = Console.ReadLine(); //input:  "It started 5 days ago"
 var resultString = Regex.Match(startDay, @"\d+").Value; 
 initialDay = Int32.Parse(resultString);   // initialDay here equals 5.

How do manage to read from a string 06: 11: 33, and transform these hours, minutes and seconds into an array of ints? So the resulting array would be like this:

int[] array = new int[] {n1, n2, n3}; // the n1 would be 6, n2 would be 11 and n3 would be 33

Thank you for your time in advance!

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Igor Cherkasov Avatar asked Mar 27 '20 08:03

Igor Cherkasov

1 Answers

If the input is in this format (dd:dd:dd), you actually don't need regex in this. You can use String.Split() method. For example:

string test = "23:22:21";
string []res = test.Split(':');

The res array will now contains "23", "22", "21" as its elements. You just then need to convert them into int.

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glennmark Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 01:10
