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Should I worry about DDMS console log messages "Can't bind to local nnnn for debugger"?

I'm new to Android programming (and Eclipse IDE and Android emulator). I've got Hello World and some of Notepad working, but I'm still constantly getting quite a few DDMS console log messages (shown below) about not being able to bind locals for debugger.

[2010-05-29 21:03:16 - ddms] Can't bind to local 8601 for debugger
[2010-05-29 21:05:26 - Device] Failed to delete temporary package: device (emulator-5556) request rejected: device not found
[2010-05-29 21:06:47 - ddms] Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger
[2010-05-29 21:07:05 - ddms] Can't bind to local 8601 for debugger
[2010-05-29 21:07:05 - ddms] Can't bind to local 8602 for debugger

And so on. Is this a problem? Can I get rid of these messages somehow?

like image 622
Chris Avatar asked May 30 '10 04:05


3 Answers

In Eclipse, goto

1) Windows->Preference

2) Expand Android menu in the side of the Preference Window.

3) Now select DDMS from it.

4) Then Set the Base local debugger port to "8601" and enable "Use ADBHOST" checkbox and the ABDHOST value should be "".

5) Click apply and ok.

6) Now you have to restart your ADB, for this you have to login as root user(Assuming linux user) and navigate to Platfrom tools folder of your Android SDK. Then execute,

 ./adb kill-server
 ./adb start-server

You will be able to see the message "Daemon started Successfully" . If not repeat step 6 once again until you see the success message.

like image 97
Andro Selva Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 10:11

Andro Selva

You can get rid of the the messages by adding following to your hosts file: localhost

ps. hosts file can be found from c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or if you are on linux /etc/hosts

like image 32
Mattijle Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11


In my situation the problem has been solved by a uninstalling all Java 7. The debugger is now working again!

like image 1
BlueMan Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 09:11
