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How can I remove Eclipse Mars Jboss Tools Toolbar item

I have installed Eclipse Mars and have also installed the Jboss Tools from the eclipse marketplace.

My issue is that after installing the JBoss tools, I seem to have a set of controls for the server in my menu bar, that have been created in the Early Learning Centre style. I've tried the Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective menu option, but still I am left with this awful menu. Does anyone know how to stop it from showing on my toolbar?

enter image description here

like image 563
Rob Wilson Avatar asked Jan 13 '16 11:01

Rob Wilson

1 Answers

Ok, After some more specific searching, I found the answer at this link:



"To disable the new Launch Bar, select Window > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching > Launch Bar > uncheck [ ] Enable the Launch Bar."

and it works a charm!

like image 133
Rob Wilson Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Rob Wilson