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Should I use Ecto.Repo in Controller or Model for Elixir Phoenix?

For some query in Controller of Phoenix, there're two plans for me

Plan 1:

defmodule Demo.UserController do
  # ...
  def index do
    # This is just for example
    # The point is Repo in used here

Plan 2:

defmodule Demo.User do
  # ...
  def all do
    # Put all Repo API and building query logic in Model

I prefer the Plan 2. Because in most situations, I can put all logic about fetching data in Model.

But I find official guide use Plan 1(docs/model) and Phoenix default code alias Repo in Controller instead of Model (web/web.ex)

Which one is better? And why?

like image 259
Tony Han Avatar asked Dec 17 '15 17:12

Tony Han

People also ask

What database does Phoenix use?

Phoenix uses Ecto to provide builtin support to the following databases: PostgreSQL (via postgrex ) MySQL (via myxql ) MSSQL (via tds )

Is Phoenix a controller?

Phoenix. Controller - functions provided by Phoenix to support rendering, and other Phoenix specific behaviour.

What is ecto elixir?

Ecto is an official Elixir project providing a database wrapper and integrated query language. With Ecto we're able to create migrations, define schemas, insert and update records, and query them. Changesets. In order to insert, update or delete data from the database, Ecto. Repo.

What is a context in Phoenix?

At the end of the day, contexts are just modules, as are your controllers, views, etc. In Phoenix, contexts often encapsulate data access and data validation. They often talk to a database or APIs. Overall, think of them as boundaries to decouple and isolate parts of your application.

1 Answers

You should keep your Repo calls inside your controller. If your logic is complicated then you should consider moving the logic out into its own service module.

You should treat your model functions as pure (free from side effects) so they should only act on data. So for example you could have:

def alphabetical(query)
  order_by(query, [u], u.name)

But you should not have:

def alphabetical(query)
  order_by(query, [u], u.name)
  |> Repo.all

This is because queries are purely data, the call to Repo.all has side effects (going off to the database) so it belongs in your controller.

like image 77
Gazler Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10
