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Should I use a single header to include all static library headers?

I have a static library that I am building in C++. I have separated it into many header and source files. I am wondering if it's better to include all of the headers that a client of the library might need in one header file that they in turn can include in their source code or just have them include only the headers they need? Will that cause the code to be unecessary bloated? I wasn't sure if the classes or functions that don't get used will still be compiled into their products.

Thanks for any help.

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clintsmith Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 05:02


2 Answers

Keep in mind that each source file that you compile involves an independent invocation of the compiler. With each invocation, the compiler has to read in every included header file, parse through it, and build up a symbol table.

When you use one of these "include the world" header files in lots of your source files, it can significantly impact your build time.

There are ways to mitigate this; for example, Microsoft has a precompiled header feature that essentially saves out the symbol table for subsequent compiles to use.

There is another consideration though. If I'm going to use your WhizzoString class, I shouldn't have to have headers installed for SOAP, OpenGL, and what have you. In fact, I'd rather that WhizzoString.h only include headers for the types and symbols that are part of the public interface (i.e., the stuff that I'm going to need as a user of your class).

As much as possible, you should try to shift includes from WhizzoString.h to WhizzoString.cpp:


// Only include the stuff needed for this class
#include "foo.h"  // Foo class
#include "bar.h"  // Bar class

public class WhizzoString
    private Foo   m_Foo;
    private Bar * m_pBar;


// Only include the stuff needed by the users of this class
#include "foo.h"  // Foo class

class Bar; // Forward declaration

public class WhizzoString
    private Foo   m_Foo;
    private Bar * m_pBar;

If users of your class never have to create or use a Bar type, and the class doesn't contain any instances of Bar, then it may be sufficient to provide only a forward declaration of Bar in the header file (WhizzoString.cpp will have #include "bar.h"). This means that anyone including WhizzoString.h could avoid including Bar.h and everything that it includes.

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Scott Smith Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Scott Smith

In general, when linking the final executable, only the symbols and functions that are actually used by the program will be incorporated. You pay only for what you use. At least that's how the GCC toolchain appears to work for me. I can't speak for all toolchains.

If the client will always have to include the same set of header files, then it's okay to provide a "convience" header file that includes others. This is common practice in open-source libraries. If you decide to provide a convenience header, make it so that the client can also choose to include specifically what is needed.

To reduce compile times in large projects, it's common practice to include the least amount of headers as possible to make a unit compile.

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Emile Cormier Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Emile Cormier