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Should I Throw ArgumentNullException if a string is blank?



I'm working on a method that does something given a string parameter. A valid value for the string parameter is anything other than null or string.Empty. So my code looks like this.

private void SomeMethod(string someArgument) {     if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(someArgument))         throw new ArgumentNullException("someArgument");      // do some work } 

Nothing too exciting there. My question is, is it okay to throw an ArgumentNullException even if the string is equal to string.Empty? Because technically it isn't null. If you believe it should not throw ArgumentNullException, what exception should be thrown?

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Kepboy Avatar asked Aug 31 '09 05:08


People also ask

When should you throw an ArgumentNullException?

The ArgumentNullException is thrown when a null value is passed to a method that does not accept null values as valid input. They're provided so that application code can differentiate between exceptions caused by null arguments and exceptions caused by arguments that are not null.

How do you avoid ArgumentNullException?

To prevent the error, instantiate the object. An object returned from a method call is then passed as an argument to a second method, but the value of the original returned object is null . To prevent the error, check for a return value that is null and call the second method only if the return value is not null .

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2 Answers

ArgumentException should be thrown for the String.Empty case. This would indicate an issue other than it being null. To avoid a NullReferenceException I check for null first, then I trim and check for the empty case to prevent any whitespace from passing.

private void SomeMethod(string someArgument) {     if(someArgument == null)         throw new ArgumentNullException("someArgument");      if (someArgument.Trim() == String.Empty)         throw new ArgumentException("Input cannot be empty", "someArgument");      // do some work } 

As of .NET 4.0 you can use the String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace method to perform these checks in one go. By doing so you forgo the ability to specify a granular exception type, so I would opt for the ArgumentException and update the message accordingly.

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Ahmad Mageed Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Ahmad Mageed

You should throw an ArgumentException if an empty string is not an accepted input for your method. It may be very confusing to clients if you throw an ArgumentNullException while they didn't provide a null argument.

It is simply another use case. You may also have methods that do not accept null input values but that do accept empty strings. It's important to be consistent across your entire application.

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Ronald Wildenberg Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10

Ronald Wildenberg