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Should I give a client a SQL Server login with the 'db_owner' role? [closed]

One of our clients has requested that we include the 'db_owner' role on the database login that their website uses, so that they can upload a script (an ASP page) to run some database changes. Normally the logins for the databases hosted on our server only include 'db_reader' and 'db_writer'. Is this ok, or should I request that they forward us the sql script to run on their behalf?

Or am I being too protective? Thanks

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Nick Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 23:03


2 Answers

I would suggest that you act as a filter between them and anything they might want to do to the database such as uploading and running those scripts. If they get db_owner and hose it all up, it will still probably be your head on the chopping block for letting them have it to begin with.

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TheTXI Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 03:03


I think that I would want to have a service level agreement that is acceptable to everyone before I would give out that much control over the database. For example, you could specify that if the client damages their databases in a way that they can't fix, your response would be limited to restoring it to a backup point of their choosing within a certain timeframe. You might also require them to maintain a specific technical contact for database issues who will be the first contact for their developers, etc. The SLA should spell out the various risks, including loss of data, inherit in having this level of capability.

In general, I'm in favor of giving more control, rather than less, if the client is willing to accept the responsibility. As a person who uses such services, I know that it can definitely improve productivity if I'm allowed to make the changes that need to be made without having to jump through hoops. I'm also willing to accept the risks involved, but I clearly know what the implications are.

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tvanfosson Avatar answered Mar 04 '23 01:03
