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Best full text search alternative to MS SQL, C++ solution

What is the best full text search alternative to Microsoft SQL? (which works with MS SQL)

I'm looking for something similar to Lucene and Lucene.NET but without the .NET and Java requirements. I would also like to find a solution that is usable in commercial applications.

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Brian R. Bondy Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 08:03

Brian R. Bondy

2 Answers

Take a look at CLucene - It's a well maintained C++ port of java Lucene. It's currently licenced under LGPL and we use it in our commercial application.

Performance is incredible, however you do have to get your head around some of the strange API conventions.

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Alan Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 20:03


Sphinx is one of the best solutions. It's written in C++ and has amazing performance.

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aku Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 20:03
