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Should I enforce mode declarations by throwing instantiation errors?

I have been working on some code in which I have predicates that either do not terminate or give incorrect solutions if they are used in certain modes.

Here is an example:

%!  list_without_duplicates(+List1, -List2) is det.
%   True if List2 contains all the elements of List1 but has
%   no duplicate elements. 
%   Ex: list_without_duplicates([1,1,2,2,3,3],[1,2,3]).

list_without_duplicates([X|Xs],[X|Acc]) :-
    \+ memberchk(X,Xs),
list_without_duplicates([X|Xs],Acc) :-

% This is great.
?- list_without_duplicates([1,1,2,2,3,3],X).
X = [1, 2, 3] ; 

% This is not great.
ERROR: Stack limit (1.0Gb) exceeded
ERROR:   Stack sizes: local: 1Kb, global: 0.8Gb, trail: 0.1Mb
ERROR:   Stack depth: 16,586, last-call: 100%, Choice points: 5

So my question is, am I better off throwing an error if the first argument is not instantiated?

list_without_duplicates(List1,List2) :-
    (  var(List1) 
    -> instantiation_error(List1)
    ;  list_without_duplicates_star(List1,List2)

list_without_duplicates_star([X|Xs],[X|Acc]) :-
    \+ memberchk(X,Xs),
list_without_duplicates_star([X|Xs],Acc) :-

I have been reading through some Prolog libraries such as apply.pl, which on my system is located in /usr/local/logic/lib/swipl/library/apply.pl. Here is code directly from this library. Note that no instantiation errors are mentioned anywhere here.

maplist(Goal, List1, List2) :-
    maplist_(List1, List2, Goal).

maplist_([], [], _).
maplist_([Elem1|Tail1], [Elem2|Tail2], Goal) :-
    call(Goal, Elem1, Elem2),
    maplist_(Tail1, Tail2, Goal).

Yet if I use this predicate like so I get an instantiation error:

?- use_module(library(apply)).

?- apply:maplist(X,[1,2,3],[4,5,6]).
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
ERROR:   [11] apply:maplist_([1,2|...],[4,5|...],apply:_5706)
ERROR:    [9] toplevel_call(user:apply: ...) at /usr/local/logic/lib/swipl/boot/toplevel.pl:1113
ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
ERROR: Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.

I do not understand how Prolog knows to throw this error.

like image 278
Nicholas Hubbard Avatar asked Mar 01 '23 22:03

Nicholas Hubbard

2 Answers

am I better off throwing an error if the first argument is not instantiated?

In your case not much. In fact, the non-termination you encountered was annoying and resource-wasting but at least not incorrect. I would be more concerned about cases like:

?- Y = b, list_without_duplicates([a,Y],[a,b]). 
   Y = b
;  false.                         % inefficiency                         
?-        list_without_duplicates([a,Y],[a,b]).
   false.                         % incompleteness

It gets even worse in the presence of constraints.

As a general rule-of-thumb, whenever you want to discern according to instantiations, test for the more instantiated pattern. In your case, do not test with var/1, instead rather use nonvar/1. This focuses your attention on the safer case. And in your case you might have realized that nonvar/1 alone is not enough. In fact, use ground/1:

list_without_duplicates(List1,List2) :-
    (  ground(List1) 
    -> list_without_duplicates_star(List1,List2)
    ; instantiation_error(List1)

Consider using iwhen/2 to hide the details; and get an easy upgrade to coroutining: just delete the i and you are using when/2.

In general, instantiation errors are here to mask out procedural problems. Some of them are related to non-termination, and others help to mask-out the non-relational parts of impure code like memberchk/2.

The question then remains, why write impure code in the first place? Even more so if it is quite inefficient as yours? With library(reif) you get a clean, pure and quite efficient solution:

:- use_module(library(reif)).
list_nub([], []).
list_nub([X|Xs], Ys0) :-
   if_(memberd_t(X,Xs), Ys0 = Ys1, Ys0 = [X|Ys1]),
   list_nub(Xs, Ys1).

Answering @gusbro's remark on performance in SWI, here is the expansion in SICStus Prolog (to get that listing, I declared list_nub/2 dynamic). The expansion should look similar in SWI.

list_nub([], []).
list_nub([A|B], C) :-
        memberd_t(A, B, D),
        (   D==true ->
        ;   D==false ->
        ;   nonvar(D) ->
        ;   throw(error(instantiation_error,instantiation_error(call(user:memberd_t(A,B),D),2)))
        list_nub(B, E).
like image 162
false Avatar answered May 18 '23 18:05


I would refrain from directly throwing in your Prolog code unless you are absolutely certain you have no other choice.

Use the built-ins, they provide a lot of "type-checking" for free. Using call with a non-callable is one example. Basically all built-ins check their arguments and if they don't, I would consider this a bug and report it. Examples:

?- between(1, 3, foo).
?- succ(X, 0).
?- X = [_|X], length(X, N).
?- X is 3 - a.
?- X is 3 - A.
?- sort([a,b|c], Sorted).

To rephrase, as long as you find the appropriate built-in to use in your own code, you shouldn't need to throw explicitly.

If you are checking the arguments, go ahead and use library(error).

The "without duplicates" predicate is a perennial classic. You need a very good reason to not use sort/2 for this. If you did use sort/2, you will immediately get an error:

?- sort(X, Y).
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated

If you decide to program it yourself, you might as well go down the rabbit hole and use if_/3 as suggested by @false. As a matter of fact, you might find a fancy solution here on SO if you simply look through the links in the profile of @false.

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TA_intern Avatar answered May 18 '23 18:05
