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Should I ask online programming communities like Stack Overflow for licensing advice? [closed]

If I am writing non-free software and I want to involve GPL software to some degree, and I am not sure what my legal situation is with respect to whether the GPL allows me to distribute my code, should I ask the programming community what to do?

What are the chances that they give me sound legal advice for my country and locale? Should I just access the Free Software Foundation's licensing resources directly?


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JasonSmith Avatar asked Mar 26 '09 18:03


People also ask

Is taking code from Stack Overflow illegal?

So, in summary: code snippets on Stack Overflow are protected by copyright unless they are so small that any two programmers would come up with substantially the same code.

What license is Stack Overflow code under?

Additionally, on a periodic basis, Stack Overflow provides compilations of content that can be downloaded and used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Do software developers use Stack Overflow?

98% of software engineers use Stack Overflow in some capacity every month. The platform is the de facto home of software development. If you have a question, the likelihood is that it's already been answered on Stack Overflow. There are more than 22 million questions on the platform and a whopping 84 million comments.

1 Answers

Your safest bet is to get a lawyer.

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JoshBerke Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09
