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Should HTML 5 semantic markup be used for styling at all?

I must admit the HTML5 semantic markup confuses me. I'm talking about these tags in particular:


Using semantic elements provides the UA with information it couldn't normally get from a <div>, but should they be used along with <div> tags or can/should you style the semantic markup directly?

In other words, what is the proper approach?


<div id="content">
        <h1>Lorem ipsum></h1>

Or this:

<section id="content">
    <h1>Lorem ipsum></h1>
like image 853
Nils Kaspersson Avatar asked Mar 23 '12 13:03

Nils Kaspersson

2 Answers

If you are using the semantic markup tags, you should not also use division tags for the same thing. The semantic tags are a replacement for some of the div tags.

The div tags are of course still useful, for when there is no semantic tag that fits.

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Guffa Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 21:10


I believe your first example is semantically correct, assuming you would have more section tags in that div tag.

The div tag would imply a section of the page that is for content, and then the section tag something like posts.

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thecoshman Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10
